TED — väärt vaatamist uudishimulikele (video)

TED - levimist väärt ideedTED (Technology, Entertainment, Design – tehnoloogia, meelelahutus, disain) on aastakonverents ja keskkond internetis, mille missioon on sõnastatud “levimist väärt ideed” (ideas worth spreading).

Internetis on näha üle 400 esineja etteasted, nende seas poliitikud (Bill Clinton, Al Gore), teadlased (Murray Gell-Mann, James Watson, Stephen Hawking, VS Ramachandran), meelelahutusmaailma tegelased (Tracey Chapman, Bono, Adam Savage, Peter Gabriel) ning muidugi ka skeptikutele tuttavad tegelased (Richard Dawkins, Dan Dennett, Michael Shermer).

TED projekt on laienenud ja nüüd on võimalik ka Sinul oma vabatahtlik panus anda ning just Sulle sobiv etteaste eestikeelseks teha või juba tõlgitud varianti toimetada.

Kristina tutvustab:

Tõlkijaks oodatakse kõiki, kes oskavad enda hinnangul heal tasemel nii inglise kui ka eesti keelt. Tõlkimine on vabatahtlik ning tasu ega hüvesid selle eest ei saa; preemiaks on ainult tunne, et oled heade mõtete levitamisele kaasa aidanud. Lisaks märgitakse tõlke kõrvale tunnustuseks tõlkijate nimed.

Info tõlkimise kohta ja lihtsad selged registreerimisjuhised on leheküljel http://www.ted.com/translate/forted.

Kui oled tõlkijaks registreerunud, siis saad ise valida ettekandeid, mida soovid tõlkida. Iga tõlgitud ettekanne pakutakse mõnele teisele tõlgile toimetada, nii et enne lõplikku ülesriputamist on sellest vähemalt kaks silmapaari üle käinud.

Praeguse seisuga on eestikeelsed subtiitrid ainult kahel kõnel, üks neist on näiteks siin (video all on menüü, kust saab valida subtiitrite keelt):

Lisaks on järjekorras umbes kuus tõlgitud kõnet, mis ootavad toimetajat. Tõlkimata kõnesid on sadu ning neid tuleb aina juurde.

Vaadata on TED ettekandeid huvitav, aga olles ise mitu tükki eesti keelde tõlkinud, võin öelda, et tõlkimine on hoopis teistsugune ja veelgi huvitavam kogemus, mida soovitan kõigil proovida.


Näiteks võiks see suht lühike ettepanek matemaatika õpetuse muutmise kohta (rõhuasetus algebrast statistikale) meilgi mingit laiemat arutelu pälvida:

Palun jaga kommentaarides oma huvitavaid TED leide.

21 Replies to “TED — väärt vaatamist uudishimulikele (video)”

  1. TED on, jah, päris huvitav vaatamine-kuulamine, aga vahel võtab see “E”, ehk siis entertainment asja liigpalju üle. Ja, mis eriti hull, väites ennast teaduseks… :(

    Ma olen seda TED-i juba mõnda aega tasapisi jälginud, aga pärast siin Martini leheküljilgi teadvuse ja aju teemaliste artiklite kommentaariumis mainit endise ajuteadlase Jill Bolte Taylori “vaimse ärkamise” ja aju vasak-parempoolsuse hüperplöga (mis, muide, tänu oma entertainment value-le kahetsusväärselt tolle aasta TED-i absoluutseks tõmbenumbriks kujunes) olen oma vaimustusega veidi ettevaatlikumaks muutunud. Ma ei imestaks, kui tänu tema edule antakse järgmiseks sõna Bruce Liptonile…

  2. oo, zeitgeistile on vahepeal väärilisi järgesid ja lisasid tehtud. avastasin, et ka üks mu sõber on nüüd siis sellesse usku pöördunud. vaatab igapäevaseid alex jonesi (mingi vandenõuguru) live-ettekandeid, promob neid värke jne. kurb.

    einoh…eks igasugusteks ebamugavateks ootamatusteks peab ikka valmis olema aga kui see elu mõtteks muutub, siis on õesti kolo.

  3. Mul on selline hea idee, et riputage kuskile nurka üles igasugu Alex Jonesi vastaseid materjale. On igasugu teda sionismis ja juutide tööriistana kujutavaid materjale. Kõiksugu sellistele asjadele toodetakse alati vastumaterjali. Nt 911 on tohutut materjali, kus oma arust tõestatakse, et ikka ametlik teooria on õige. Teeksite oma lingikogu vms. Te olete ju ühiskonna sanitarid, igasugu vääruskustest teete Eesti puhtaks. Lisaks saate rohtu teid sisemiselt ängistavale piinale.

  4. Nood materjalid on kenasti üleval Wikipedia’s. Võtame näiteks niisuguse tsitaadi:

    The Obama Deception (2009) (Video)
    The film claims Obama’s real agenda is the opposite of what he promised during the campaign. The film claims Wall Street engineered the financial collapse in order to “repo the country” and that Obama is a front-man used by “the elite” to serve their agenda. It claims Obama has broken his campaign promises by sending more troops to Afghanistan, appointed numerous “finance oligarchs” and lobbyists to high government positions, reauthorized the Patriot Act first enacted by the Bush administration, and wants to create a “civilian national security force” to further militarize the country. The film makes a controversial comparison between Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler’s ascent to power.[citation needed]

    Krõbedamat kriitikat on raske kokku panna.

  5. TED’i kuraator väidab, et sari jätkab “moondumist elitaristide eralõbustusest parema maailma poole püüdlevaks globaalseks liikumiseks”, vahendab PhysOrg.

    Technology, art and magic will mix in perspective-bending ways this week as the prestigious TED conference continues transforming from an elite retreat to a global movement for a better world.

    The gathering kicks off Monday in the Southern California city of Long Beach with a roster of 1,350 attendees including Internet heavyweights, Hollywood celebrities, scientists, and other notables.

    Tickets to the sold-out event cost $7,500 each, but captivating 18-minute “talks” for which the conference is renowned are made available free online at ted.com and have a growing worldwide audience.

    This year’s “Full Spectrum” theme refers to a range of presentations “from dazzling technology and leading-edge science to the richest veins of human creativity and interconnection.”

    Järgnevad ettekannete lühitutvustused. Ennetamaks arusaamatusi olgu ära märgitud, et liidis vilksatanud “magic” viitab vanale heale mustkunstile e illusionismile, mitte millelegi, mille peale skeptikud marru võiksid minna.

    Scientist Henrik Scharfe and his robot double “Geminoid-DK” will be in a “Lab” session along with Defense Advanced Research Agency director Regina Dugan and magician Marco Tempest, who combines technology and showmanship.

    P.S. Olen varem linkinud ühe TED-i-teemalise (kriitilise) artikli “Tühja teemasse” nr 3, kuna ei teadnud, et konverentsil Skeptik.ee-s suisa omaette teema on.

  6. PhysOrg vahendab AFP uudist, mis räägib eile alanud TED-ist:

    “I think that the people who go to TED are probably the most innovative people in the world,” said TED fellow Michael Karnjanaprakorn, co-founder of startup Skillshare.

    “This fellowship program is putting people with crazy ideas in a room with people who can help them realize their ideas,” Karnjanaprakorn said.

    Ülejäänud artikkel tutvustab kõiksugu “kreisisid ideid”, millega TED-i “fellow”-tiitli kandjad end sidunud on.

  7. PhysOrg teatab, et TED-il osalejaid joodeti apokalüpsikust:

    Silicon Valley giants at the prestigious TED innovation conference here on Tuesday were warned that the worship of technology will ruin the world before it saves it.

    Activist and author Paul Gilding made a case for the peril of obsession with modern technology and how lust for the latest gadgets is distracting people from acting to stop global disasters such as climate change.

    “The Earth is full,” argued Gilding, author of “The Great Disruption,” in which he reasons that as technology drives efficiency and economic growth it powers breakneck consumption that the planet cannot endure.

    “It is full of us. It is full of our stuff, full of our waste, and full of our demands,” he said. “We have created too much stuff. This is not a philosophical statement, this is just science.” /—/

    “Our approach is simply unsustainable,” said Gilding, the former director of Greenpeace International. “Thanks to those pesky laws of physics, it will stop. The system will break.” /—/

    Gilding argued that technology was making matters worse.

    Hukukäole oponeeris singularitarianist:

    “I’m not saying that we don’t have our share of problems — climate change, species extinction, resource shortage — but ultimately we have the ability to see problems way in advance and knock them down,” [head of the nonprofit X Prize Foundation and Singularity University] Peter Diamandis said.

    He argued that rapidly improving sensors, robotics, digital medicine, synthetic biology and computing power in the Internet “cloud” provided hope for a better future.

  8. Video Diamandise TED-loengust.

    Onstage at TED2012, Peter Diamandis makes a case for optimism — that we’ll invent, innovate and create ways to solve the challenges that loom over us. “I’m not saying we don’t have our set of problems; we surely do. But ultimately, we knock them down.”

  9. See on juba mullune, aga ma polnud varem näinud ja tundub vaatamist väärt — Ben Goldacre’i TED-loeng nuriteadusega võitlemisest.

    Every day there are news reports of new health advice, but how can you know if they’re right? Doctor and epidemiologist Ben Goldacre shows us, at high speed, the ways evidence can be distorted, from the blindingly obvious nutrition claims to the very subtle tricks of the pharmaceutical industry.

    Neile, kes raamatut “Pahateadus” lugenud on, pole tolles veerandtunnises ettekandes sisuliselt eriti palju uut.

  10. Salonis kirjutab Alex Pareene, et konverentsisari TED kujutab endast “rahast läbiligunenud eneseupitajaliku futurismi orgiat”, kuna on tsenseerinud ühe poliitilise maiguga sõnavõtu ja levitab üldse õõnsavõitu mõtteviise.

    There was a bit of a scandal last week when it was reported that a TED Talk on income equality had been censored. That turned out to be not quite the entire story. Nick Hanauer, a venture capitalist with a book out on income inequality, was invited to speak at a TED function. He spoke for a few minutes, making the argument that rich people like himself are not in fact job creators and that they should be taxed at a higher rate.

    The talk seemed reasonably well-received by the audience, but TED “curator” Chris Anderson told Hanauer that it would not be featured on TED’s site, in part because the audience response was mixed but also because it was too political and this was an “election year.” /—/

    Strip away the hype and you’re left with a reasonably good video podcast with delusions of grandeur. For most of the millions of people who watch TED videos at the office, it’s a middlebrow diversion and a source of factoids to use on your friends. Except TED thinks it’s changing the world, like if “This American Life” suddenly mistook itself for Doctors Without Borders.

    The model for your standard TED talk is a late-period Malcolm Gladwell book chapter. Common tropes include:

    • Drastically oversimplified explanations of complex problems.
    • Technologically utopian solutions to said complex problems.
    • Unconventional (and unconvincing) explanations of the origins of said complex problems.
    • Staggeringly obvious observations presented as mind-blowing new insights.

    What’s most important is a sort of genial feel-good sense that everything will be OK, thanks in large part to the brilliance and beneficence of TED conference attendees. (Well, that and a bit of Vegas magician-with-PowerPoint stagecraft.)

  11. teadlased (Murray Gell-Mann, James Watson

    Tänase päeva asjaolude valguses tuleks too viimane teadlaste hulgast välja arvata. Mäletatavasti hr. Watsonil mingis intervjuus keel vääratas ning vanahärra ütles kogemata tõe välja.

    “[I am] inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really.”[57]


    Teadlaste hulka saab arvata ainult inimesi, kelle seisukohad kilavate antifa pättide, juudiorganisatsioonide ja lihtsalt marksistide omadega täielikult kattuvad. Teaduses on kõige tähtsam asi konsensus ja mingeid eriarvamusi pole lubatud. Kui keegi konsensuse vastu eksib, siis ta pole enam teadlane vaid eitaja, mingisugune foob või ..ist.. jne.

    Ma muidugi loodan, et tuleb aeg kus polegi enam teadlasi vaid ainult faktidest, empiirilistest vaatlustest ja muudest tõsiasjadest juhinduvad akadeemilise kraadiga alaarenenud neonatsid.

  12. Konspiraator ütles:

    Tänase päeva asjaolude valguses tuleks too viimane teadlaste hulgast välja arvata.

    Rangelt võttes ei saa kedagi “teadlaste hulgast välja arvata”. Vallandamine või kuriteos süüdimõistmine ei kaota teadlasestaatust ega kustuta uurimistööde back-catalogue‘i. Keegi ei väida tänapäeval, et nt Kurt Blome, Claus Schilling, Sigmund Rascher või Erich Traub polnud teadlased.

    Kuna pärast avalikku vabandamist ja patukahetsust lasti Watson CSHL-i administratiivsele tööle tagasi, siis ei pea hästi vett ka narratiiv rassistlikke väiteid esitavate teadlaste eriti innukast kimbutamisest kaasajal.

    Aga siirduks nüüd teemasse tagasi?

  13. Konspiraator ütles:

    Ma muidugi loodan, et tuleb aeg kus polegi enam teadlasi vaid ainult faktidest, empiirilistest vaatlustest ja muudest tõsiasjadest juhinduvad akadeemilise kraadiga alaarenenud neonatsid.

    Kurb küll, kui madalale võib üks troll langeda, kui ta tähele paneb, et teadus tema eelarvamusi ei kinnita.

  14. Neurobonkers avaldab arvamust TED’i teema(de)l. Olen ettevaatlikult nõus.

    TED has taken a lot of flak recently. Over at The New Republic, Evgeny Morozov has just published an eye wateringly brutal review of the popular site for bite-sized talks:

    Today TED is an insatiable kingpin of international meme laundering—a place where ideas, regardless of their quality, go to seek celebrity, to live in the form of videos, tweets, and now e-books. In the world of TED—or, to use their argot, in the TED “ecosystem”—books become talks, talks become memes, memes become projects, projects become talks, talks become books—and so it goes ad infinitum in the sizzling Stakhanovite cycle of memetics, until any shade of depth or nuance disappears into the virtual void. /—/

    I’m not a fan of over-generalising, and as rampant over-generalising is one of my biggest criticisms of TED, I’m going to try not to do the same thing here. I’ve seen some tremendous TED talks and I’ve seen some horrendous TED talks. TED has it’s problems but TED is only a platform, though a powerful platform it may be. It’s not a source in itself and it’s clearly not where people should be headed for their sole education – there are far more promising on-line destinations for this than TED, but there again – TED told us that already. /—/

    For all its faults, TED remains a great springboard for ideas and inspiration. I’m not convinced that its style is really as bigger problem as has been made out by some, it serves (or at least it should serve) a very different purpose to true on-line learning. I see TED much the same way as I see Twitter, never as a source – but often as a doorway to discovery. I do however agree that we need to change the attitude that TED is somehow a stamp of approval for fact-checked information, that it is not.

    The attitude we should have to TED is no different to the attitude we should have to all things – a healthy scepticism. This TED talk (ironically), sums up both this attitude and the purpose of TED (as I perceive it) just perfectly

  15. TED’ile konkurentsi pakkuv Onion Talks tutvustab põletavaid päevaprobleeme põllumajandusalaste lingvistiliste, sotsiaalsete ja füsioloogiliste erinevuste vallast.

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