Juulis tehakse hapukurke ja muid lugusid Eesti ajakirjandusse


  • Tüüpilist libaajalugu alkeemia.ee müüdimasinast – Bermuda kolmnurk, Atlantis ja muu:
    Bermuda kolmnurgas avastati hiigelsuur kristallpüramiid

    Ajalooliste andmete järgi avastas püramiidi 1968. aastal juhuslikult üks loodusraviarst nimega Ray Brown, kes on pärit Arizonast Mesa linnast. Brown läks Kariibi mere äärde puhkusele ja käis sõpradega sukeldumas Bahama saarte lähedal ühes piirkonnas, mida teatakse kui “Ookeani Keelt”.
    Ja muidugi pole maailma eri ülikoolid kuigi innukad uurima võimalust iidsete varemete olemasolust, kus peitub arenenud tehnoloogia, sest see seaks kahtluse alla põhimõtteliselt kõigi nende lemmikteooriate alustalad.

  • Raadioarhiivist Traditsiooni Tarkus, kus Peeter Liivi külaliseks on Mai-Agathe Väljataga ja teised.
    Maailmalõpp 21.12.2012
    Hoiatan ette, et selle jutu kuulamiseks on kasulik omada paindlikku aju, vastasel korral on oht praksuga katki murduda.
  • Terviseamet on välja pannud teksti

    Võimalik pädevuse ületamine ja ravimite salakaubandus on laialdaselt levinud:

    Suurem osa teenuse osutajaid on kosmeetikud, küünetehnikud, maniküürijad, pediküürijad, massöörid jt. Osades salongides osutavad teenuseid meditsiinilise haridusega teenindajad ning üksikud nendest on registreeritud tervishoiutöötajate registris.

    Seadusandlusega ei ole praegu täpselt defineeritud, milliseid protseduure võivad teostada iluteenuste osutajad (näiteks: kuna Botox on ravim, siis selle süstimist tohiks teha ainult meditsiiniharidusega spetsialist).
    Sihtuuring näitas, et ilusalongides kasutatakse teenuse osutamisel retseptiravimeid (Botoxit, tuimestusvahendeid), mille soetamiseks saadakse retseptid kõrvalistelt isikutelt (tutvuste kaudu perearstide käest, tuuakse sisse teistest riikidest).

  • Teise uudise Terviseameti kokkuvõtetest saaks sõnastada:
    Vaktsineerimisest keeldujate arv tõusnud aastaga üle 600 võrra
    Pealkirja aluseks on kokkuvõtlik tabel Immuniseerimiskava täitmine 2011 (xls)

    Tekst, millele annab lapsevanem allkirja, kui keeldub lapse vaktsineeriisest:

    Olen teadlik, et minu laps võib vaktsineerimata jäämise tõttu haigestuda nakkushaigusesse.
    Olen teadlik, et tegemist on raskete ja eluohtlike tüsistustega nakkushaigustega ning lapse vaktsineerimata jäämine võib ohustada haigestumise korral tema elu ja tervist.

  • Teaduslikku lisandust narkoteemalisse arutellu:
    Drug harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis
    Prof David J Nutt FMedSci, Leslie A King PhD, Lawrence D Phillips PhD, on behalf of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs

    Kommenteeritud ülevaade, kus näha ka graafik, mis iseloomustab eri ainete (alkoholist seenteni) individuaalset ja sotsiaalset mõju:
    The relative dangers of drugs: What the science says
    Thomas Kleppestø

205 Replies to “Juulis tehakse hapukurke ja muid lugusid Eesti ajakirjandusse”

  1. Postimees: Eestlasi hullutab järjekordne püramiidskeem

    Mona Vie korraldab Eestis igal argipäeval üheksa esitlust, kus tutvustatakse võimalust «finantsilisele vabadusele». Eeskujuks tuuakse palgatšekk, kus kellegi nädalapalgaks on märgitud üle 6000 euro. Selle saavutamiseks pole vaja teha muud, kui juua ja teistelegi soovitada maailma kõige tervislikumat mahla, mille nimi on Mona Vie.

    Mona Vie Eesti juht: me ei müü tooteid, vaid elustiili

    Kui palju Eestis Mona Vie edasimüüjaid on?

    Me ei tegele müügiga. Me pakume inimestele teenimisvõimalust koos tootega. Kõik, kes sellesse ärisse tulevad, on ise toote tarbijad. Varsti on meil olemas ka eestikeelsed etiketid ja töövahendid ning tooteid saab tellida otse koju. Mona Vies tegutsevaid inimesi on Eestis praegu kuskil 1500.

    Kadri Inselberg: püramiidskeemi valud

    Mis siis on nende vähemalt 90 protsendi inimeste väljavaated, kes püramiidskeemis edukad ei ole? Nad kaotavad suure hulga raha, jäävad ilma sõpradest ja vihastavad välja sugulased. Aga ka need vähesed, kes raha teenivad ja oma tavatöölt lahkuvad, peaksid arvestama sellega, et ükski püramiidskeem ei tööta igavesti. Ja kuhu siis pärast edasi?

  2. Artikkel kirjutas:

    Tekst, millele annab lapsevanem allkirja, kui keeldub lapse vaktsineeriisest:

    Orac tutvustab kuulsa vaktsiinivastase Rob Schneideri sõnavõttu California plaani üle nõuda, et lapsevanem enne vaktsineerimisesest loobumist ära kuulaks arsti ülevaate sellest, missugused selle loobumise tagajärjed võivad olla.

  3. Artikkel kirjutas:

    Teaduslikku lisandust narkoteemalisse arutellu:
    Drug harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis
    Prof David J Nutt FMedSci, Leslie A King PhD, Lawrence D Phillips PhD, on behalf of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs

    Üks autoreist, prof Nutt, postuleerib oma blogis hüpoteetilist alternatiivi: teaduspõhise uimastitpoliitika mudelit.

    I strongly believe that we should focus on public health approaches to the drug problem, and decriminalise the possession of drugs for personal use, for the following simple reason;- If users are addicted then they are ill, and criminal sanctions are an inappropriate way to deal with an illness. If they are not addicted then criminalisation will almost always lead to greater harms to the user than the effects of the drug. For example, it can severely limit career options in public service and prevent travel to some countries particularly the USA.

    However, it was clear from questions from several of the HASC committee that they are very frightened that reducing or removing the criminal penalties for drug possession will lead to greater use – and then greater harms overall. This is a reasonable hypothesis. Forming hypotheses represents the first step in thinking scientifically. Next, we should test the hypothesis against the available evidence. I think that the following evidence allows us to reject this hypothesis.

    1. There is good evidence that decriminalisation does not radically increase drug use and can reduce some measures of harm, as shown by a balanced review of the first ten years of the Portugal experience of decriminalisation. /—/

    2. An increase in the availability of some drugs may actually lead to a reduction in the use of other more harmful drugs, so reducing net harms to society. /—/

    3. Regulating access to drugs such as cannabis as in the Dutch model reduces the need for users to go to dealers. So it minimises their exposure to people whose main goal is to get their clients onto the most addictive substances such as heroin and crack. /—/

    4. Approaches to dealing with addicted users which swap punishment for healthcare have been successful. /—/

    5. Approaches which explicitly reject an evidence-based public health approach, but instead focus on incarceration and criminalisation of addicts, continue to utterly fail, at enormous financial and human cost. /—/

    6. Treating addicts with more humanity doesn’t make drug use look more appealing. /—/

    Moreover criminalisation produces many perverse consequences that actually increase the harms of drugs and costs to society.

  4. Võib-olla on tegemist déjà vu‘ga, aga ega see pilt ja lugu professor Nutt’ist paar-kolm aastat vana ei ole? Ma justkui mäletan, et Ühendkuningriigi valitsus otsustas temaga tulevikus mitte koostööd teha, kuna ta teaduslikud seisukohad poliitiliselt ebakorrektne olevat.

  5. dig ütles:

    Virumaa Teataja räägib pühitsetud vee vanadest kasutamisaladest.

    Eesti Evangeelse Luteri Kiriku peapiiskop Andres Põder pühitses 1. juulil koos Viru praostkonna vaimulikega Väike-Maarja kiriku tornikiivri.

    Luteri kirikus on lihtne, sama pühitsetud veega peab hakkama saama kõikjal, aga katoliku kirikus on igaks otstarbeks omaette püha õli, vähemalt fotol, mis tehtud Saksamaa ühe toomkiriku keldris – reas on kolm nõud, ühes sildi järgi ristimise, teises viimse võidmise ja kolmandas leeritamise õli. Olen üpris veendunud, et neid pütte täidetakse siiski ühest ja samast anumast :)

  6. Kas see tähendab, et enne mineraalvee villimisliini pühitsemist peab katoliku preester endale uue õlipüti muretsema?

  7. Postimees edastab uudiseid Timbuktust, kus moslemid on mošee õhku lasknud, kuna nad ei ole rahul selles kummardatava jumalaga.

    Mali islamistid rühmitusest Ansar Dine hävitasid täna Timbuktus asuva ja UNESCO kultuuripärandi nimekirja kantud Sidi Yahya mošee sissepääsu. Islamistid õigustasid 1440. aasta paiku ehitatud mošee hävitamist, öeldes, et tegu on ebajumala kummardamisega.

  8. Postimees räägib, et Äripäev eelistab ajakirjanikke, kes uurimistööd ei tee ja konti nähes liputavad saba.

    «Leidsime, et me vajame oma meeskonda teistsuguste oskustega ajakirjanikku,» selgitas Hundimägi, kelle sõnul on eesmärgiks tugevdada päevauudiste toimetust, sel ajal kui Oja tegeles pigem pikemate probleemlugudega.

    Mandeli sõnul on Äripäeva suunaks võtta lahkuvate töötajate asemele pigem noori, keda siis ise välja koolitada.

    «Eeldame, et noored on usinad, näljased,» rõhutas Mandel. «Ligi kolm aastat võtab aega, et aru saada, kas saab ka asja.»

  9. dig ütles:

    Võib-olla on tegemist déjà vu‘ga, aga ega see pilt ja lugu professor Nutt’ist paar-kolm aastat vana ei ole?

    On; sellest oli siin esmakordselt juttu siis, kui see ilmus (2010. novembris). Kriku juhtis targalt tähelepanu, et tegu on autorite (suhteliselt) subjektiivsete hinnangutega.

    Ma justkui mäletan, et Ühendkuningriigi valitsus otsustas temaga tulevikus mitte koostööd teha, kuna ta teaduslikud seisukohad poliitiliselt ebakorrektne olevat.

    Nii on. Meedia paistab valdavalt mäletavat seda, et ta vallandati riikliku uimastikomisjoni juhi kohalt märkuse pärast, et ratsasport on ohtlikum kui MDMA.

  10. Think Progress räägib, kuidas evangeelikud Texases geivärki tudeerisid.

    A new paper called the New Family Structures Study claims that the children of gays and lesbians fare worse than those raised by heterosexual couples, but nothing in the methodology supports those claims whatsoever. Jim Burroway of Box Turtle Bulletin has already written hefty debunks, but because the study is now getting mainstream media attention, here are some important highlights:

    The study did not ask if those participants were actually raised by same-sex parents — most of them were actually the product of a “failed heterosexual union” or parents who were not even married to begin with.

  11. Peavoolu-farmaatsiahiid GlaxoSmithKline nendib, et lubamatuid müügivõtteid rakendades “on tehtud vigu” ja maksab selle eest kolm miljardit dollarit, vahendab Medical Xpress.

    GlaxoSmithKline LLC will pay $3 billion and plead guilty to promoting two popular drugs for unapproved uses and to failing to disclose important safety information on a third in the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history, the Justice Department said Monday.

    Accompanying the criminal case was a civil settlement in which the government said the company’s improper marketing included providing doctors with expensive resort vacations, European hunting trips, high-paid speaking tours and even tickets to a Madonna concert.

    The $3 billion combined criminal-civil fine will be the largest penalty ever paid by a drug company, Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole said. The corporation also agreed to be monitored by government officials for five years to attempt to ensure the company’s compliance, Cole said. /—/

    “For far too long, we have heard that the pharmaceutical industry views these settlements merely as the cost of doing business,” Acting Assistant Attorney General Stuart F. Delery, head of Justice’s civil division, said at the news conference. “That is why this administration is committed to using every available tool to defeat health care fraud.” /—/

    GlaxoSmithKline CEO Sir Andrew Witty expressed regret and said they have learned “from the mistakes that were made.” /—/

    Crimes and civil violations like those in the GlaxoSmithKline case have been widespread in the pharmaceutical industry and have produced a series of case with hefty fines. One reason some have said the industry regards the fines as simply a cost of doing business is because aggressively promoting drugs to doctors for uses not officially approved — including inducing other doctors to praise the drugs to colleagues at meetings — has quickly turned numerous drugs from mediocre sellers into blockbusters, with more than $1 billion in annual sales.

  12. Lehti ma polegi viimasel ajal ise suurt lugenud, raadiot olen ikka rohkem kuulanud ja nüüd pisut reklaami ka:
    täna R2-s kella 2-3 vahel Ingridi külaliseks Igor Volke.
    Äkki leidub veel kuulamishuvilisi.

  13. Juunikuu lõpu uudis Talking Points Memo’st: Texase vabariiklased taunivad kogemata kriitilise mõtlemise õpetamist.

    The Republican Party of Texas’ recently adopted 2012 platform contains a plank that opposes the teaching of “critical thinking skills” in schools. The party says it was a mistake, but is now stuck with the plank until the next state convention in 2014.

    The plank in question, on “Knowledge-Based Education,” reads as follows:

    We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

    Elsewhere in the document, the platform stipulates that “[e]very Republican is responsible for implementing this platform.”

    Contacted by TPM on Thursday, Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Communications Director Chris Elam said the “critical thinking skills” language made it into the platform by mistake. /—/

    TPM asked Elam what the intent of subcommittee had been in including the “Knowledge-Based Education” plank.

    “I think the intent is that the Republican Party is opposed to the values clarification method that serves the purpose of challenging students beliefs and undermine parental authority,” he said. /—/

    On Homosexuality:

    We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle, in public policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction or belief in traditional values.

    On the UN Treaty on the Rights of the Child:

    We unequivocally oppose the United States Senate’s ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  14. Postimees: Ohtlik mood: üha enam vanemaid loobub laste vaktsineerimisest

    Vaktsineerimisvastased meeleolud on Eestis levinud juba mitu aastat, kuid reaalne vaktsineerituse vähenemine kajastus esmakordselt äsjaavaldatud 2011. aasta kohta käivas terviseameti statistikas.

    Varsti üheksakuuseks saava tütre ema Kadi Piikovi sõnul ei ole olnud tal südant hakata oma väikest last vaktsiinidega mürgitama enne, kui lapse organism on jõudnud ise tugevneda.

    «Öeldakse, et esimesel kolmel-neljal kuul on lapsel läbi rinnapiima niikuinii kaitse igasuguste haiguste vastu. Ja ma ei käi temaga kohtades, kus ta võiks selliseid jubedaid haigusi saada,» rääkis värske lapsevanem.

    Piikov, kes on saanud infot vaktsineerimise kohta peamiselt erinevatest raamatutest, ei ole veel otsustanud, kas ta edaspidi laseb oma tütart vaktsineerida või mitte. Samas tõdeb ta, et kuna lasteaias levib palju igasuguseid haigusi, siis näiteks tuberkuloosi vastu vaktsineerimist ta siiski kaalub. Aga kõigi riiklikus vaktsineerimiskavas olevate haiguste vastu ei kavatse ema oma last kindlasti vaktsineerida.

    Lool on ka mõned lugejate kommentaarid.

  15. “Lollus on lõputu. Kondoom siin ei kaitse, AIDS kah ei aita,” postuleeris karikaturist Rein Lauks, kui mälu ei peta.

  16. Drug Free America Foundation keeldub uskumast uurimust, mis näitab, et laste peksmine suurendab uimastite kuritarvitamise riski hilisemas elus.

    I think this is a bunch of baloney. If it were true, more than 75% of my generation would be a total mess. When I grew up, everyone got spanked by parents, grandparents, and even teachers….. And we had far fewer kids out of control.

    But then again, maybe I’m crazy and just don’t know it………

    FB-s viidatava artikli algupärand asub siin.

  17. Postimees edastab hapendamata uudise Šveitsist.

    Superpõrgati LHC kogutud andmed kinnitavad uue osakese olemasolu, mis võib olla kaua otsitud Higgsi boson, teatasid LHC eksperimentide teadusrühmad tänahommikusel seminaril.

    Kuigi ametlikult jäävad CERNi väljaütlemised ettevaatlikeks ning räägivad vaid uue osakese täheldamisest, tähistas füüsikakogukond tänast seminari kui hetke, mil avastati Higgsi boson. Šveitsis, Euroopa Tuumauuringute Ühiskeskuse (CERN) peakorteris toimunud seminaril viibis kohal ka Briti füüsik Peter Higgs, kelle järgi osake nime sai.

    Kas Postimees suudab jätta rääkimata “staarfüüsikutest” ja “staarosakestest” ?

  18. CERN’i pressiteade.

    “We observe in our data clear signs of a new particle, at the level of 5 sigma, in the mass region around 126 GeV. The outstanding performance of the LHC and ATLAS and the huge efforts of many people have brought us to this exciting stage,” said ATLAS experiment spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti, “but a little more time is needed to prepare these results for publication.”

    Higgsi boson oli viimane avastamata osake, mida praegune Standardmudel ennustas. Kui avastus kinnitust leiab, on universum jälle natuke väiksem.

  19. Silly season‘i puhul tutvustab Daily Mail uusi vanu hallutsinatsioone kuulsast stressirikkast sündmusest.

    A former FBI employee sent to the Flight 93 crash site on September 11, 2001 has claimed she saw a legion of angels guarding the scene when she arrived.

    Lillie Leonardi has made the bizarre claims in a book written after she retired from the FBI due to post-traumatic stress disorder which began after the terror attacks.

  20. dig ütles:

    Think Progress räägib, kuidas evangeelikud Texases geivärki tudeerisid.

    The New Civil Rights Movement räägib, et Elsevier’ eetikud tudeerivad nüüd, kuidas sihuke asi üldse trükki pääses.

    Mark Regnerus’s scientifically invalid parenting study appears to violate the published ethics guidelines of Elsevier, the company that owns and operates the journal Social Science Research, in which Regnerus’s offending article appeared on June 11, 2012.

    Regnerus alleges that his study shows that children raised by homosexuals are faring dramatically worse, as young adults, than those raised by heterosexuals. Yet, as is easily verifiable, Regnerus made no valid comparison between children of heterosexual and homosexual parents or guardians. His work has been definitively rejected by respected sociologists and professionals in relevant additional fields, and championed only by religious right-wing figures with established histories of opposition to LGBT equality.

    Saadaval on ka analüüs, miks Regneruse kirjatükk teaduslikus mõttes jama on.

  21. Põhja-Iirimaal on kreatsionistid pesa pununud, vestab Guardian.

    The National Trust has defended its decision to include references to creationist theory at a new state-of-the-art visitors’ centre at the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland.

    The move was hailed by a christian group which said the gesture “both respects and acknowledges an alternative viewpoint” on the origins of the earth.

    But after facing criticism for including theories that the planet is only 6,000 years old, the Trust said it had merely acknowledged the presence of such views and was committed to scientific evidence on the origins of the Causeway.

  22. dig ütles:

    Kas see tähendab, et enne mineraalvee villimisliini pühitsemist peab katoliku preester endale uue õlipüti muretsema?

    Sellele saab vastata ainult püha isa Jack Hacketti surematu fraasiga: That would be an ecumenical matter!

  23. Space.com räägib, et teadlased on leidnud paari galaktikakobarat ühendava tumemateeriasilla.

    The filament forms a bridge between two huge clusters called Abell 222 and Abell 223, which lie 2.7 billion light-years away. The universe is thought to be filled with such strings of dark matter, a mysterious substance that cannot be seen, only sensed through its gravitational pull.

    Scientists have made previous attempts to find dark matter filaments, which are predicted by theories that suggest galaxy clusters form at the intersections of filaments. Dark matter is thought to make up 83 percent of all matter in the universe.

  24. Delfi Naistekas vahendab vaktsiinispetsialisti Kadri Adamsoni: mürgiga mürgi vastu ei saa.

    “[T]argem on lähtuda isiklikust talupojatarkusest ja saada hakkama,” räägib ta ajakirjas Naised. “Talvisel ajal näiteks jäävad kõikvõimalikud gripivaktsinid meie peres kindlasti ära, lähtun siinkohal just esiemade mõtteviisist.”

    “[K]ui hädasti tarvis, siis mingis vanuses võib lapsi vaktsineerida, aga kindlasti mitte väga väikeseid,” sõnab Adamson, kelle mees ja vanem laps on puugisüstid saanud.

    “Ma siiski arvan, et mürke võiks maailmas vähem olla ja mis see vaktsiin muud on kui üks mürk,” lõpetab ta.

    P.S. Kadri Adamson on näitleja, mitte meedik, mis ilmselt selgitab rumalaid avaldusi, aga ajakirja Naised ega Delfi Naitekat ei vabanda miski.

  25. Postimees: Miks vaktsineeritakse vastsündinut B-hepatiidi vastu?

    Väikelaste vaktsineerimisest rääkides tekib sageli küsimus, miks ometi on vaja vastsündinut vaktsineerida B-hepatiidi vastu. Kui lastehaiguste puhul tundub kõik loogiline, siis B-hepatiidi puhul arvatakse sageli ekslikult, et see levib peamiselt sugulisel teel.

    Merekivi perearstikeskuse perearst Iris Koort selgitas, et peamine põhjus, miks seda nii varakult hakatakse tegema, ongi see, et selles vanuses immuniseerides kujuneb kõige püsivam immuunsus. Ehk siis teoreetiliselt võiks vaktsineerida ka teismeeas, mil nakatumisrisk on suurem, kuid uuringutega on tõestatud, et just vastsüdninut vaktsineerides kujuneb tal terveks eluks kõige püsivam immuunsus B-hepatiidi vastu.

    Mõni kommentaar on ka.

  26. News Track India edastab uudiseid kaugelt meretaguselt maalt, kus kehtivad kummalised vägistamist puudutavad seadused.

    New York, July 6 (ANI): A Swedish man has been cleared of rape charges because the person he assaulted was “a man in women’s clothes.”

    According to the website The Local, Orebro District Court judge Dan Sjostedt dismissed the rape charge citing the impossibility of a man intending to rape a woman being able to complete the act on a man, the New York Daily News reported.

    The would-be 61-year-old rapist stalked and brutally assaulted a transsexual – forcing his target to the ground and kicking his prey in the face – because he thought the person was a woman, according to reports.

    Rootsi vägistamisseadused on varem lehelugejate tähelepanu pälvinud mitmel korral, kui toimetaja(d) on täheldanud isand Assange’i peenist kajastavate lugude ebapiisavat arvukust.

  27. WHO on uurinud massilisi mürgistusjuhtumeid Afghanistani tüdrukutekoolides ja leidnud, et kõige tõenäolisemalt on tegemist massihüsteeria, mitte Talibani aktsiooniga. Telegraph kirjutab:

    The poisoning of school water tanks, or the use of a gas or noxious liquid have all been suggested as potential weapons. Many girls reported smelling a strange odour before they were overcome.

    However an analysis given to The Daily Telegraph of 32 such incidents, all but two at girls’ schools, casts significant doubt on the poisoning theory.

    The WHO said it and the Afghan ministry of public health were “taking every step to address this menace in the interest of public health.” “According to preliminary findings, incidents’ analysis and the prevailing situation, Mass Psychological Illness is the most probable cause,” a statement said.

    Afganistani võimud on nördinud, sest nad on juba hulka kahtlustatavaid kinni võtnud ja mõni on süü ka üles tunnistanud.

    The WHO’s preliminary findings put the body at odds with the Afghanistan’s security forces who say they have become convinced the attacks are genuine and have arrested numerous suspected poisoners.

    Seven were arrested on Tuesday and several were said to have confessed already.

  28. NPR tutvustab geilikkuse väljaravimise katsetusi.

    Supporters call it “conversion therapy.” Critics call it “praying away the gay.” Whatever name you use, it’s creating a ruckus in Christian circles about whether a person can change his or her sexual orientation. And now the largest “ex-gay ministry” is rejecting the approach.

    Warren Throckmorton, a psychologist and professor at the evangelical Grove City College, has heard this before. He recently surveyed 239 men in “mixed-orientation marriages,” in which the husband is attracted to other men and the wife is heterosexual. About half the men had been through some conversion therapy.

    Over the course of their marriage, the men’s “attractions to the same sex … increased” and “the attractions to their spouse decreased,” according to Throckmorton.

    Another study by Mark Yarhouse, a researcher at Regent University — which was founded by Pat Robertson — came to the same conclusion. Throckmorton says the research by evangelical and secular scientists puts ex-gay ministries and conversion therapy on the defensive.

  29. The Phnom Penh Post räägib, et avastatud on meetrika, mille põhjal ristiusk lähima konkurendi ees selget eelist evib.

    At upwards of US$500, the cost of slaughtering a buffalo to revive a relative condemned to ill-health by the spirits has pushed the Jarai indigenous minority residents of Somkul village in Ratanakkiri to a more affordable religious option: Christianity.

    In the village in O’Yadav district’s Som Thom commune, about 80 per cent of the community have given up on spirits and ghosts in favour of Sunday sermons and modern medicine.

    Sev Chel, 38, said she made the switch because when she used to get sick, it could cost her hundreds of dollars to appease the gods with a sacrificial package that might include a cow or buffalo, a chicken, bananas, incense and rice wine.

  30. Raw Story vahendab värsket uurimust, mis kinnitab psühhotroopsete ainete hüppelauateooria kehtivust mõnede koolilaste korral. Tuvastatud on ka konkreetne hüppelaud — etanool.

    A study in the August edition of The Journal of School Health finds that the generations old theory of a “gateway drug” effect is in fact accurate for some drug users, but shifts the blame for those addicts’ escalating substance abuse away from marijuana and onto the most pervasive and socially accepted drug in American life: alcohol.

    Using a nationally representative sample from the University of Michigan’s annual Monitoring the Future survey, the study blasts holes in drug war orthodoxy wide enough to drive a truck through, definitively proving that marijuana use is not the primary indicator of whether a person will move on to more dangerous substances.

    “By delaying the onset of alcohol initiation, rates of both licit substance abuse like tobacco and illicit substance use like marijuana and other drugs will be positively affected, and they’ll hopefully go down,” study co-author Adam E. Barry, an assistant professor at the University of Florida’s Department of Health Education & Behavior, told Raw Story in an exclusive interview.

  31. Belfast Telegraph’i teatel on Richard Dawkins paaviane kreatsionistidega võrrelnud.

    The National Trust should not have buckled to pressure from the “intellectual baboons of young Earth creationism”, one of the world’s leading evolutionists has told the Belfast Telegraph.

    Professor Richard Dawkins said it was regrettable that the trust had “paid lip service to the ignorant bigotry” of fundamentalists who believe the world is just 6,000 years old after references to creationism were included in the Giant’s Causeway visitors’ centre.

  32. Telegraph räägib, et anglikaani piiskopid on leidnud veeuputusnuhtluse põhjuse.

    The floods that have devastated swathes of the country are God’s judgment on the immorality and greed of modern society, according to senior Church of England bishops.

    One diocesan bishop has even claimed that laws that have undermined marriage, including the introduction of pro-gay legislation, have provoked God to act by sending the storms that have left thousands of people homeless.

    While those who have been affected by the storms are innocent victims, the bishops argue controversially that the flooding is a result of Western civilisation’s decision to ignore biblical teaching.

  33. Kuulus närviarst Steven Novella räägib, kuidas ta oma patsientide ihuliikmeid ilma nende tahteta tõmblema paneb ja mida nood selle peale kostavad.

    The most common response of my patients when I test their deep tendon reflexes is to giggle. I bang gently on the infrapatellar tendon, their leg kicks out involuntarily, and they giggle. While I am acutely interested in the reflex response and what that says about my patient’s nervous function, the giggle is perhaps the more interesting response. Many patients also comment something to the effect of, “That is so weird.”

    What is weird is the experience of movement outside of our conscious control. We exist in a neurologically induced illusion that we own and control our limbs. There are, in fact, specific circuits in the brain that generate the experience of ownership and control. We know this partly because of patients in whom those circuits are disrupted and lose their sense of either ownership or control. I guess it is also not surprising that we are conscious of the conscious level of control of movement, but not of the subconscious elements of control. We are occasionally reminded of them when a reflex supersedes are conscious control, an experience we find weird and often giggle-inducing.

    The reality is that there are different levels of hierarchical control in our nervous system. More basic circuits provide automatic function and are literally (phylogenetically) more primitive than higher levels of more sophisticated control, all the way up to voluntary control from the cortex. We are not consciously aware of most of the processing that is needed to produce smooth and coordinated movement. If we desire to walk across the room, for example, we guide our movements to accomplish that desire, but we are not aware (thankfully) of the many components that go into the astonishing balancing act of walking.

    Seepeale jalutab jutt sujuvalt üle kõndivatele robotitele.

  34. Mars One plaanib hakata inimesi Marsile saatma. Tõsi küll, piletit tagasi neile ei pakuta.

    Mars One plans to establish the first human settlement on Mars by April 2023. The first crew of four astronauts emigrate to their new planet from Earth, a journey that takes seven months. A new team will join the settlement every two years. By 2033 there will be over twenty people living, working and flourishing on Mars, their new home.

    Projekt on nii kallis, et selle rahastamiseks tuleb teha midagi ekstravagantset — näidata televiisoris inimesi Marsile lendamas.

    A manned mission to Mars is expensive. We plan to fund it by making it the biggest media spectacle in history. This way, everyone will get the chance to not only watch the astronauts make their journey, but choose who gets to do so. Four people, icons, who will leave their life on Earth behind and start an adventure on a new planet tens of millions of miles away.

  35. ExtremeTech tutvustab arenguid avataara-uuringute vallas.

    An Israeli student has become the first person to meld his mind and movements with a robot surrogate, or avatar. Situated inside an fMRI scanner in Israel, Tirosh Shapira has controlled a humanoid robot some 2000 kilometers (1250 miles) away, at the Béziers Technology Institute in France, using just his mind.

    The fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) reads his thoughts, a computer translates those thoughts into commands, and then those commands are sent across the internet to the robot in France. The system requires training: On its own, an fMRI can simply see the real-time blood flow in your brain (pictured below right). Training teaches the system that a particular “thought” (blood flow pattern) equates to a certain command. In this case, when Shapira thinks about moving forward or backward, the robot moves forward or backward; when Shapira thinks about moving one of his hands, the robot surrogate turns in that direction.

  36. Los Angeles räägib, et Toxoplasma gondii‘ga nakkunud inimestel on märgatavalt kõrgem risk enesetapu kätte ära surra.

    A new study seems to confirm the link by examining infection rates and suicide attempts in thousands of women in Denmark.

    The study, published this week in the Archives of General Psychiatry, takes advantage of Denmark’s relentless tracking of its population’s medical records. Those records allowed researchers to analyze T. gondii levels and the incidence of suicide attempts in more than 45,000 women who were tracked for more than 10 years.

    Over the period covered in the study, 1% of the women tried to take their own lives. But the risk wasn’t the same for everyone. Women with T. gondii infections were 53% more likely to attempt suicide than women who were not infected.

    Moreover, the researchers found a dose-response relationship, with the women carrying the highest levels of T. gondii in their bloodstreams having a 90% increased rate of attempted suicides compared with women who were not infected.

  37. dig ütles:

    Los Angeles räägib, et Toxoplasma gondii‘ga nakkunud inimestel on märgatavalt kõrgem risk enesetapu kätte ära surra.

    Samast uurimusest kirjutas Forte 4. juulil eriti idiootse pealkirja all (“Igas kolmandas inimeses peituv parasiitnakkus aitab eriti edukalt surra… kassipidajatel naistel”).

  38. New York Times tutvustab innovaatilisi peremudeleid.

    A FAMILY limited partnership was once a rather esoteric way for wealthy families to centralize the management of real estate and various pots of money. But this is not a normal tax year.

    The arcane device has suddenly become popular because of the scheduled expiration of the $5.12 million gift tax exemption at the end of this year. For years, the exemption for gifts to heirs had been $1 million, and it’s not clear what will happen to the tax break, just one of many tax and spending measures expiring at the end of 2012.

  39. Postimees: Info Rakvere sarivägistaja kohta ei vasta tõele

    Internetis leviva teate järgi sõidavad Rakveres väikebussiga ringi maskides mehed, kes hiilivad ohvrile selja tagant ligi, uinutavad ta ja hiljem vägistavad, kirjutab Õhtuleht.

    Kollane ajaleht Postimees üritab loomulikult asja sedapidi valgustada, et Õhtuleht avaldas ilma igasuguse skepsiseta kuulujutu nagu uudise ning on seeläbi Postimehest ebausaldusväärsem.

    Tegelikult on Õhtulehe nupu pealkiri Info Rakvere sarivägistaja kohta ei vasta tõele:

    Politsei on hoiatava kuulutusega kursis, kuid paanikaks põhjust ei näe. “Tegemist on kuulujutuga, millel pole mitte mingisugust tõepõhja all,” ütleb Ida prefektuuri pressiesindaja Marit Liik.

  40. Lauri Vahtre paljastab sotsialistide vandenõu:

    Tänapäeva sotsialistid proletariaadi diktatuuri ei nõua, kuid vägivallaisu on alles. Veidi teises kuues. Varem sõditi kodanlaste ja ekspluateerijatega, aga kuna saadi lüüa, hakati otsima põhjust. Pikkamööda selgus, et asi pole kodanlaste erilises kavaluses, vaid kogu kultuuris, mis kommunistliku utoopia nagu halvaksläinud kotleti välja oksendab. Niisiis seati eesmärgiks muuta kultuuri, hävitada kõik tema loomulikud kaitsemehhanismid ehk «kodanlikud» väärtused. Keelu alla läksid mehe ja naise erinevused, soov kurjategijale kätte maksta, mõõdukas kehaline karistus üleannetule lapsele, soov elada omakeelses ja -kultuurilises keskkonnas jpm. Üldse enam-vähem kõik, mis tundub tervemõistuslik ja normaalne. Kes vastu vaidleb, on nats ja parempoolne. (Ei loe, et neid kaht miski ei seo.)

  41. Rax ütles:

    Antud saate külalised ja saatejuht on osalisteks/eestvedajateks praegu 605-liikmelises Facebooki grupis Eesti Humanistlik Liikumine.

    Mõlemas on märgata New-Age temaatikat ja vandenõuteoreetilist mõttelaadi.

    Kas ühingu nimi on sihilik irvitamine humanismi kui tervikliku ja vägagi ratsionaalse maailmavaate üle? (Vrd nt USA ja Briti humanismiühingu tegevus.)

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