Kuidas ateistist usklik tehti – Antony Flew juhtum

Antony Flew. Pilt: Jackie NickersonNew York Times (võib vajada sisselogimist, kuid registreerimine on tasuta, mõned lõigud artiklist koos kommentaaridega on lugeda PZ Myers’i Pharyngula blogis) toob lugejani loo omas ringkonnas kuulsast filosoofist-ateistist Antony Flew’st, kes oma maise elu tagumises otsas väidetavalt usku on pöördunud. Mitte küll aktiivsesse taassünnikristlusse, vaid deismi, kus jumalal on koht aegade alguses asjade käivitajana, kuid praegu passiivselt pensionil on.

Kuidas see “pöördumine” käis, milles väljendub ja kes selle vana, teeneka ja väärika härrasmehe manipuleerimise taga toimetavad, sellest see NYT artikkel räägibki.

Omalt poolt kajastab NYT loo ilmumise tagamaid üks artiklis korduvalt viidatud Richard Carrier:

One Reply to “Kuidas ateistist usklik tehti – Antony Flew juhtum”

  1. Ateistidest läbi ajaloo:

    brainz.org: The 50 Most Brilliant Atheists of All Time

    Diagoras of Melos
    The first and most ancient of recognized atheists must include a 5th century b.c.e. poet and sophist from Melos known as Diagoras the Atheist. Not content to simply speak against the popular pantheon of Greek gods, he also criticized the Eleusinian Mysteries. He became a disciple of Democritus after that notable philosopher paid a hefty ransom to free Diagoras from captivity following the subjugation of Melos in 416 b.c.e.

    Prosecuted by the Athenian democratic party for impiety in 415 b.c.e., he was forced to flee the city and died in Corinth. None of Diagoras’ own writings survive, but in the 1st century b.c.e. Cicero wrote that one of Diagoras’ friends tried to convince him that the gods did exist by citing the many people saved from storms by their pleas to their favorite gods, to which Diagoras was purported to reply, “there are nowhere any pictures of those who have been shipwrecked and drowned at sea.”

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