Tühi teema 4: Carte Blanche’i vastulöök

Tühi teema 3 on täis saanud, niisiis jätkame uue ja vihasema tühja teemaga.

Otsetõlkes tähendab carte blanche teadupärast valget kaarti ja metafoorina tühja tšekki. Illustratsiooniks valitud magnetiline maksevahend võib pärast allnähtava elektromagnetilise muusikariistaga lähema tutvuse tegemist päris tühi olla, tema värvis aga on vististi süüdi esimarksist Groucho ja kindral Washingtoni valge hobune isiklikult.

204 Replies to “Tühi teema 4: Carte Blanche’i vastulöök”

  1. Damn Interesting tutvustab Baader-Meinhof’i fenomeni.

    You may have heard about Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon before. In fact, you probably learned about it for the first time very recently. If not, then you just might hear about it again very soon. Baader-Meinhof is the phenomenon where one happens upon some obscure piece of information– often an unfamiliar word or name– and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often repeatedly. Anytime the phrase “That’s so weird, I just heard about that the other day” would be appropriate, the utterer is hip-deep in Baader-Meinhof.

  2. dig ütles:

    Damn Interesting tutvustab Baader-Meinhof’i fenomeni.

    Baader-Meinhof is the phenomenon where one happens upon some obscure piece of information– often an unfamiliar word or name– and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often repeatedly.

    Hmm, ma seni arvasin, et selle nähtuse nimi on sünkronism. Lapsepõlvest saati on see sündroom “vaevanud” ja pärast sünkronismi-fenomeni olvamist paistis kenasti lahterduvat. Aga tuleb välja, et konkreetsel nähtusel on veel spetsiifilisem määratlus…

    Varsti teatab keegi, et duši all pead sügades tekkivad iseäralikud nägemishallutsinatsioonid on ka üldlevinud fenomen; siis pole mul enam millelegi originaalsele pretendeerida.

    P.S. Ise tahtsin siia lisada lingi Cyanide & Happinessi tänasele piibliteemalisele koomiksile.

  3. Heh, näen, et ebastandardse kommentaari postitamiskatsega kaasnev hoiatustekst on agressiivsemaks muutunud. Andestust, ei märganud, et linke on üle kahe.

    Muide, vähemalt Chrome kuvab selles hoiatustekstis sisalduvaid täpitähti rombiliste küsimärkidena.

  4. Mart K. ütles:

    Muide, vähemalt Chrome kuvab selles hoiatustekstis sisalduvaid täpitähti rombiliste küsimärkidena.

    AFAIU on see sellepärast, et enamik veebisaiti üritab UTF-8 joont ajada, aga see teade on ISO 8859-1’s (või -15’s) kodeeritud.

  5. Fuusikud kurdavad, et neutriinod ei liigu valgusest kiiremini. Nanex aga annab teada, mis liigub — nimelt Yahoo aktsiad, millega tehtud tehinguid on nahtud juba enne tehingukorralduste sisseandmist.

    On September 15, 2011, beginning at 12:48:54.600, there was a time warp in the trading of Yahoo! (YHOO) stock. HFT has reached speeds faster than the speed-of-light, allowing time travel into the future. Up to 190 milliseconds into the future, or 0.19 fantaseconds is the record so far. It all happened in just over one second of trading, the evidence buried under an avalanche of about 19,000 quotes and 3,000 individual trade executions. The facts of the matter are indisputable. Based on official UQDF/UTDF exchange timestamps, there is unmistakable proof that YHOO trades were executed on quotes that didn’t exist until 190 milliseconds later!

  6. @dig:
    Vastuseid võib ilmselt mitu välja mõelda. Näiteks too ∅ pole samasugune seetõttu, et kuulub hulgateooriasse, teised on aga “normaalse” matemaatika igapäevasümbolid.

    Teiseks võib mittekuuluv olla i, kuna on imaginaarne.

    Kolmandaks pakun 1, kuna see on ainus positiivne täisarv. Teised on “imelikud” – 0 pole number, tühihulgas pole midagi, i pole reaalne, π ja e on lihtsalt irratsionaalsed.

  7. Just-just, illustreerib Jasoni normitaotlust teises lõimes ;-)

    Muide, π ja e ei ole mitte lihtsalt irratsionaalsed vaid tervenisti transtsendentsed.

    Anyway, minu lemmikversioon on diskrimineerida seda sümbolit, kes ei mahu e + 1 = 0 sisse ära.

  8. Mississippi Passes Anti-Richard Dawkins Legislation

    Mississippi has officially made talking about Richard Dawkins, the famed atheist and biologist, to minors illegal. Bill A.C.A. 5-71-226, otherwise known as the Anti-Youth Subversion Act, passed both houses of the legislature by an overwhelming margin, and signed into law by Governor Haley Barbour. Governor Barbour praised the bill, and stated that he hoped that it would serve as an example for other states to emulate.

  9. Cracked.com’i rubriik Quick Fix tutvustab kõige pentsikumaid needuseid kristlaste pühakirjast.

    The 4 Goofiest Curses from the Bible

    If you want a badass curse, just read the Bible. Killer bears, plagues, rivers of blood, mothers eating their babies — the Bible doesn’t mess around. Unless it’s one of the following curses. Then it’s totally messing around …

    #4. Stealing the Ark Means Hemorrhoids /—/

    #3. Jesus Gets Cranky When He’s Hungry /—/

    #2. God Poops on You /—/

    #1. Curse via Note

    Kontrollisin järele; Esimeses Samueli raamatus on tõesti selline salm: “Neid inimesi, kes ei surnud, löödi pärasoolepaisetega; linna hädakisa aga tõusis taevani.”

  10. Backyard Brains (“Neuroscience for Everyone!”) tutvustab eksperimenti kalmaariga, kelle kromatofoorid pandi Cypress Hilli igihaljaste rütmidega sünkroonis reageerima.

    YouTube-video “Insane in the Chromatophores” sellest, mis luubi all näha oli, leidub siin.

  11. End Edgar Cayce’ reinkarnatsiooniks pidav David Wilcock kirjutab oma blogis põhjalikult, kuidas pärast Londoni olümpiat, eriti selle tähendusrikkaid ava- ja lõpurituaale ei või ükski skeptik enam kahelda, et maailma juhib satanistlike mitraistlike illuminaatpankurite vandenõu.

    An increasingly-desperate Cabal of international bankers may have come out of the “cosmic closet” at the 2012 Olympics. The Mithraic / Illuminati ceremonial aspects seem so obvious that even the most hardened skeptics will have to take a second look.

  12. Bill Nye the Science Guy harras videopalve kreatsionistidest lapsevanematele, et nood oma võsukesi teadusega mitteklappivast maailmapildist säästaksid, ilmus Big Think’i juba märtsis, aga olla “viiruslikuks läinud” alles hiljuti.

    P.S. Jutt on muidu ilus ja õige, aga ma kahtlen, kas see, kui kõhe vana mees räägib, et “meil on teie lapsi vaja”, mõnd lapsevanemat ka veenab.

  13. Mart K. ütles:

    Bill Nye the Science Guy harras videopalve kreatsionistidest lapsevanematele,

    WingNutDaily’s sarjab Bill Nye’d Ray Comfort. Iseenesest ei olekski see mainimist väärt — seda juhtub sagedamini kui seda, et Dublinis koer meest hammustab —, aga lõbustusparkide-huviline lugeja võib nautida põnevat spin‘i:

    His message was that evolutionists are enlightened by knowledge and understanding of the universe, while Bible-believing Christians adhering to scientific creation and a young earth are ignorant and are detrimental their their own children.

    Tsitaadikaeve on seekord tehtud nii kehvasti, et isegi artikkel ise selle paljastab. Kõigepealt väidab kirjatükk:

    He said if one doesn’t believe in evolution, “Your world view becomes untenable,” and forecast that “in a couple of centuries that worldview just won’t exist.”

    Natuke hiljem on saadaval natuke rohkem konteksti:

    Nye, who holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Cornell and several other honorary degrees, said, “The idea of deep time …and the billions of years explains so much of the world around us. … If you try to ignore that, your worldview just becomes crazy; it’s just untenable . . . inconsistent.”

    Konstruktsiooni “Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Cornell and several other honorary degrees” väljamõtleja on lausa ilupunktid ära teeninud.

  14. Aprillis intervjueeris Steve Marshall Fortean Timesis Rupert Sheldrake’i, keda skeptikud teavad morfilise resonantsi hüpoteesi väljanuputajana. Sheldrake üllitas tänavu teose “The Science Delusion”, mis kritiseerib teaduslikku materialismi. Intervjuu on, mõistagi, kallutatud, aga pakub siiski huvitavat sissevaadet antimaterialisti(de) mõttemaailmasse.

    A growing crystal of copper sulphate, for example, is in resonance with countless previous crystals of copper sulphate, and follows the same habits of crystal organisation, the same lattice structure. A growing oak seedling follows the habits of growth and development of previous oaks. When an orb-web spider starts spinning its web, it follows the habits of countless ancestors, resonating across space and time. The more people who learn a new skill, such as snowboarding, the easier will it be for others to learn it because of morphic resonance from previous snowboarders.”

    There is far more to morphic resonance than this, but I’m not the one to explain, as I have to admit I don’t understand all of its many aspects. Sheldrake believes that memories are not stored in the brain but somewhere outside of it; the brain recalls them not as a hard drive does, by playing back physically-stored electrical signals, but more like a television that tunes into transmitted signals and decodes them as memories. It does this by morphic resonance. /—/

    Sheldrake, to the chagrin of his detractors, is not just another amateur crackpot but a bona fide scientist – a Cambridge-trained biochemist with a double-first-class honours degree and a doctorate. Before developing his current interest in parapsychology, he led more conventional research programmes and made important discoveries in plant physiology. Criticism of Sheldrake’s work makes fascinating reading, as it reveals so much about his critics. There is a good deal of professional jealousy and resentment that Sheldrake’s research continues to be funded by Cambridge University, and sour grapes because he sells a lot of books. Most commonly, his theories and findings are dismissed because they do not conform to accepted scientific dogma; this has made him a particular target of the materialists. Frequent, vitriolic attacks are not directed just at Sheldrake’s work either; in 2008, he was stabbed in the leg by a Japanese madman who had followed him to the USA, believing that Sheldrake was using mind-control techniques on him /—/

    Sheldrake has borne all of this with uncommon grace and good humour; however, he retaliates with his latest book The Science Delusion, an elegant counter-attack on scientific materialism. As attacks go, it is rather polite and gentlemanly, but effective.

  15. Piraadi moodi rääkimise päeva puhul esitab Väikese Britanniaga au ja kuulsust kogunud Matt Lucas meile maismaaröövli laulu sugemetega suure Prantsusmaa kirjandusklassikast.

  16. dig Ma olen hädas. Appi!!!

    Tahaksin kangesti leida 1999 aastal (ei tea täpselt, Nostradamuse ennustuse järgi alates juulist) mingi totaka Illuminati insaideri sõnavõttu, aga mu mõistus sai otsa … Piip, piip, piip …

    Leidsin hilisemad 2, mis on suht jaburad, kuna seal kajastatakse põhiliselt New Age luulutusi, aga tahaks lugeda kah seda esimest pöördumist.

    1. http://www.scribd.com/doc/4033.....sider-2005
    2. Dialogue with “Hidden Hand”, Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider December 27, 2008

    2005 a luulutuses oli selle insaideri poolne huvitav küsimus:

    And who is Natascha? Sõna tagurpidi lugedes loeb sealt välja “satan” Hi, hi, hi….

  17. O cookievaba Kameelion ütles:

    Tahaksin kangesti leida 1999 aastal (ei tea täpselt, Nostradamuse ennustuse järgi alates juulist) mingi totaka Illuminati insaideri sõnavõttu, aga mu mõistus sai otsa … Piip, piip, piip …

    See saab raske olema. Lihtsam on leida linna pealt mõni kodutu ja lasta tal kuulutada, et ta on mingi totakas Illuminati insaider ja praegu on 1999. aasta, aga vandenõulased veensid inimesi, et 2012 on juba käes.

    And who is Natascha? Sõna tagurpidi lugedes loeb sealt välja “satan”

    Ei tule, sest ‘sch’ on üks täht.

  18. @dig:

    See saab raske olema.

    Tean, sellepärast ma piiksungi, kuna nett on igasugust jura täis, mis mulle pähe enam ei mahu. Kusjuures 90-te materjale on netis siiani säilinud. Leidsin sealt kunagi usklike arutelu teemal: Jumal on Lucifer. See oli aastast 1996 või 1997.

    Muide vahepeal viskas üks “messiatest” lusika nurka. Valemessias oli, kuna vananes ja mullatoidule läks. Fööniksi müüdi järgi peaks õige messias suutma enda organismi noorendada ja elama pika (tunduvalt kauem, kui 92 aastat) ning õnneliku elu.

    Ühinemiskiriku looja, “messiaks” peetud Sun Myung Moon suri 92-aastasena http://www.delfi.ee/archive/ar.....d=64908284

    Kirik kasutas Mooni kohta määratlust “Tõeline Isa” ja tema käsitlust mööda on tegemist inimkonna ajaloo ainsa messiaga. Moon ise uskus, et Jeesus valis ta jätkamaks pürgimusi maailma loomiseks, kus valitsevad rahu ja harmoonia.

  19. Salvey auuu, kus Te olete? Te magasite maha huvitava? vaevalt, Hallo, Kosmose. Sel pühapäeval, 30. septembril kell 14 on saate “Hallo, Kosmos!” külaliseks inglite suursaadik Iirimaalt LORNA BYRNE.

    Seal saab vastuse küsimustele (muud jama pealekauba):

    Millega tegelevad töötud inglid, peaingel Miikael ja Lootuse Ingel?
    Kes on langenud inglid ja mis on nende tegevuse eesmärk?

  20. O cookievaba Kameelion ütles:

    külaliseks inglite suursaadik Iirimaalt LORNA BYRNE.

    Kasutan võimalust ja soovitan Teile hoopiski üht teist, IMHO märksa paremat iiri jutuvestjat Frank McCourti oma teostega; raamatus “Angela Tuhk” on muide veidi ka juttu ka seitsmenda trepiastme inglist, nagu ma mäletan.

    Aga noh, eks ta maitseasi ole rohkem.

  21. Jube kompott: siiras katoliiklik kristlus kokku segatud New Age juraga, aga müüb hästi. Ei olnud isegi kuulamist väärt.

  22. S. Peter Davies selgitab essees “The Dawkins Delusion”, miks Richard Dawkinsit peaaegu kindlasti olemas ei ole.

    Despite great advances in the fields of science and technology, the human race seems to be paradoxically predisposed to unwavering belief in illogical, unverifiable and destructive superstitions. Most self-confessed ‘rational’ human beings will balk at the idea of witches and voodoo curses, of Zeus with his lightning bolts and Thor with his mighty hammer, but at the same time and in the same breath will assert the reality and continuing presence of a creative force of uncanny intelligence and inexplicable moral wisdom – for whose existence there isn’t even the slightest shred of scientific evidence. This essay will attempt to put this self-destructive and absurd superstition to rest once and for all, and to demonstrate that a truly scientific mind must eliminate these counter-intuitive contrivances if we are to ever progress as a society. I will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is not now, nor has there ever been, a Richard Dawkins. /—/

    To escape this suicidal addiction to murder and conflict, we must remove this ridiculous notion that there is or ever has been a Richard Dawkins. This essay will be the first step toward that goal. Using the incontrovertible powers of science and logic, I will first systematically demolish every popular argument for the existence of Richard Dawkins, and then conclude with the theorem that will represent the final bullet in the skull of Dawkinsism. My hope is that any person who believes in the existence of Richard Dawkins will come out of this essay a staunch Adawkinsist.

  23. Läheneva hingedeaja puhul räägivad Dublini praegused googlerid tulevastele, et tarkvarra tuleb suhtuda skeptiliselt, kuna Hope is not a strategy.

  24. Halloweeni otsasaamise puhul olgu hea sõnaga meenutatud Neuroloogiliselt Tüüpiliste Uurimise Instituudi ülevaade veidrast meditsiinilisest seisundist:

    An incredibly prevalent disorder, Normal Personality is dangerous and often chronic. Normal Personalities are primarily marked by conformity (either to tradition or to “fads”), self-centered attitudes and behavior, and a general lack of genuine caring for others.

    Normal Personality often appears to begin early in life. As children, they are often excessively aggressive and cruel. They commonly believe they must have the latest toy from a commercial, or wear the latest fashion. Often Normal children have trouble with possessive pronouns, and will call all objects “mine.” Starring at cathode ray tubes (such as TVs) for long periods of time is also a common behavior.

    As Normal Personalities are both extremely common, and potentially dangerous, the importance of them cannot be understated. The prognosis is often poor; however, Normal Personality can sometime be successfully cured. When dealing with Normal Personalities, it is generally best to watch your back, and to be as understanding as possible. In many cases it may be necessary to avoid contradicting the normal behavior, as normal people are likely to show aggression to those who refuse to follow their “norms.”

    Süstemaatiline ravi normaalsuse vastu seni puudub.

    Normal personality is most often a lifelong condition. Rarely is there any significant improvement of symptoms. It has been suggested that the presence of Neurotypicallity makes the prognosis worse, though this has not been substantiated. Despite the severe social dependencies and possible cognitive impairments associated with Normal Personality, such people are often relatively high functioning. Many of them even become successful professionals, with politicians being an especially common in this pop ulation. However, the egocentrism, poor insight, and narrow standards of acceptability may make the person with Normal Personality dangerous to other in the community, being particularly threatening to those who are not themselves Normal.

  25. Siinmail räägib Internet inimestele, kuidas pahad kemikaalid inimesi hulluks ajavad ja nende elu ära rikuvad.

    Slate teatel on Aserbaidžaanis kõik teisiti: seal räägivad kemikaalid inimestele, kuidas paha Internet inimesi hulluks ajab ja nende elu ära rikub.

    Over the past few years, the Azerbaijani government has waged an aggressive media campaign against the Internet. Social media has become synonymous with deviance, criminality, and treason. Television programs show ‘‘family tragedies’’ and ‘‘criminal incidents’’ after young people join Facebook and Twitter. In March 2011, the country’s chief psychiatrist proclaimed that social media users suffer mental disorders and cannot maintain relationships. In April 2012, the Interior Ministry linked Facebook use with trafficking of woman and sexual abuse of children. Since May 2011, the Azerbaijani parliament has been debating laws to curtail social media, citing the deleterious effect on society. Social media has become a vital political issue despite the fact that 78 percent of Azerbaijanis have never used the Internet, only 7 percent go online daily, and just 7 percent—almost all male, highly educated, and wealthy—use Facebook.

  26. Peajalgmissa läheneb kohutava kiirusega, niisiis on aeg laule õppida. Täna olgu välja pakutud muusikali Shoggoth on the Roof avalugu, mis vastab küsimusele, kuidas üks shoggoth ilma alla kukkumata katusel püsida suudab.

  27. dig ütles:

    Mäletatavasti tegutseb California kandis juba pikemat aega keegi Michael Weinstein, kes üritab kõiksuguste põnevate vahenditega vähendada kondoomita pornofilmide kättesaadavust.

    Time’i teatel on kohalikud hääletajad hääletanud vastava eelnõu poolt. Pornotöösturid lubavad asja kohtusse anda või oma filme mõnes regulatoorselt mõistlikumas ilmanurgas väntama hakata.

    Nearly 56% of Los Angeles County voters approved the Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act, which would require actors in pornographic films to wear condoms in order to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, but enforcing the ballot measure remains a hurdle.

    To justify the law, advocates for safer sex in the industry cite past HIV scares in 2004 and 2010 that temporarily halted adult-film production in L.A., as well as a syphilis outbreak in August 2012. A week before the election, a study of 168 adult-film actors conducted by public-health experts revealed that L.A. porn actors have a higher rate of STDs than Nevada prostitutes, who are required by state law to use condoms and get tested weekly for sexually transmitted diseases. Measure B has also received the endorsements of the American Medical Association and the American Public Health Association.

    Porn filmmakers claim that people will not pay to watch sex with condoms and insist they already have an effective system for protecting actors against STDs — regular testing for the diseases every 28 days. Industry medical consultants claimed to the New York Times that 350,000 sex scenes have been shot without condoms since 2004 without a single case of HIV transmission on set.

  28. Nädala pärast tähistavad jänkid tänupühi. (Libeerlased ja kanadalased on need juba ära pidanud.) Seega on viimane aeg asuda vaidlema, kus Jumal täpselt elab.

  29. Ei ole päris lihtlabane. Hulka nendest “teadmistest” puudutavad teadusalaste põhimõistete nimesid ja omavahelisi seoseid, mis on teadusliku kirjaoskuse oluline tahk.

  30. Rassismiskeptikutele võib huvi pakkuda tähelepanek, et kaasaegse “teadusliku rassismi” tähtteos Erectus Walks Amongst Us on veebist tasuta saadaval. Raamatu mõttesügavuse ja allikmaterjali kvaliteedi illustratsiooniks vaadelgem näiteks sihukest juppi 15. peatükist, Civilizations and Achievements:

    One might expect that whites who immigrated to Africa to also fail at building successful civilizations on that continent, but instead they built first world countries; those countries, now taken over by Africans, are descending into chaos. Rhodesia, as it was called when run by whites, was the breadbasket of Africa and exported grain; Zimbabwe, as it was renamed after Africans took over, cannot feed even half its own people.11 Even Liberia, founded by repatriated American slaves, is dissolving into chaos and cannibalism, despite the infusion of African Americans who had lived in a white country.12

    Missuguseid tõsiseid teadusallikaid tsiteerib joonealune märkus 12?

    12. (www.YouTube.com, “Founded by Americans, Liberia was once the shining star of Sub-Saharan Africa. Now cannibals rule the streets”). “Even Christianity, of more than three centuries’ duration in Congo, has scarcely excited a progressive civilization.” (Hunt, 1864, p. 19).

    Jätame teadusväljaande Youtube hetkeks kõrvale ja uurime, kuhu viib “Hunt, 1864”:

    Hunt, J.
    (1864). The Negro’s Place in Nature. Van Evrie, Horton & Co.: New York, reprinted by Cornell University Library Digital Collections.

    Raamatu 1863. aastal Londonis trükitud versioon on saadaval Google Books’i vahendusel. Kuidas see raamat isand Fuerle meelest tõendab, et Libeeria on — olevikus — vajumas kaosesse ja kannibalismi, vajab ilmselt sügavat meditatsiooni psühhedeelilise muusika osavõtul, kuna raamat mainib kannibalismi ühelainsal korral: leheküljel 44 tsiteerib see kolonel Hannibal Smithi väitmas, et “Even cannibalism is frequent among the tribes of the interior.” Libeeria on peaaegu nii Aafrika ääres kui olla saab ja Ameerikast pärit endised orjad vististi hõimudesse ei kogunenud.

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