Maikuu meediast minimalistlikult

MaikellukeKäes on maikuu. Seekord on meedialõim minimalistlik — kõik uudisnupud on kommentaarides.

Artiklis näitame lugejale hoopis maikellukest, ilusat kuid mürgist kevadlille, millega prantslased maipäeva tähistavad. Siinmail olla vanarahvas piibelehega kõiksugu hädasid tohterdanud — nii tõsiseid kui müütilisi —, tänapäevase tõendusmaterjali põhjal saab arst selles lilles ainevahetuse käigus moodustuvate tosinate glükosiidide abil mõnesid patsiendi südametegevuse probleeme reguleerida. Tõsi küll, enamasti on praktilisem noid muresid leevendada väiksema arvu täpsemini läbi uuritud keemiliste ühenditega.  Päris kindlasti ei tohi maikellukese õisi, lehti või risoomi omapäi sisse võtta.  Pärast lillekimbu korjamist, kokkupanemist või muudmoodi käitlemist on mõistlik käed korralikult ära pesta.

402 Replies to “Maikuu meediast minimalistlikult”

  1. Ravimtaimed müügilt ei kao

    Et täna lõpeb 2004. aastal Euroopa Liidus vastu võetud taimsete ravimite direktiivi üleminekuaeg ning mitmel pool Euroopas on algatatud selle direktiivi vastu meeleavaldusi ning allkirjade kogumisi, on tekkinud küsimus: kas ravimtaimed kaovad nüüd müügilt?

    Ravimiameti ravimite osakonna asejuhataja Ott Laiuse sõnul ei muutu Eestis miski ja ravimtaimi saab ka edaspidi osta.

    «Direktiiv näeb ette, et traditsioonilistel taimsetel ravimitel peab olema müügiluba. Võib juhtuda, et need riigid, kes seda seni nõudnud pole, neid taimi enam müüa ei tohi. Eestis on aga ka taimsetele ravimitele olnud nõutud müügiluba juba varem, seega meil ei ole millegi kadumise ohtu,» rõhutab Laius. Eestis paanikaks põhjust pole – kõiki tooteid, mis juba müügil, võib samamoodi nagu seni edasi turustada.

    Ka Euroopa Komisjoni tervishoiu- ja tarbijakaitsepoliitika volinik John Dalli kinnitas eile, et nüüd võivad patsiendid olla kindlad ELis müüdavate traditsiooniliste taimsete ravimite ohutuses ja toimes. Ta rõhutas, et taimsete ravimite direktiiv ei keela traditsioonilisi taimseid ravimeid Euroopa turul. «Vastupidi, sellega võetakse kasutusele kergem, lihtsam ja vähem kulukas registreerimismenetlus kui muude ravimite puhul.»

    Ka ei keela direktiiv vitamiine, mineraalseid lisandeid ega taimeteesid, ei keela alternatiivravi ega terapeute, homöopaatiat, taimi ega taimi käsitlevaid raamatuid.

  2. Pätsi-aegses Eestis löödi hiromantidele kamm turja
    Alo Lõhmus, Maaleht

    Hiromantia levik saavutas sellise taseme, et 1933. aasta 12. novembril pidas magister Aleksander Elango Tartu rahvaülikoolis avaliku loengu teemal “Mida arvata hiromantidest, käevaatajatest, “tõeprohvetitest” ja kas on üldse võimalik ennustada tulevikku”.

    Tulevane pedagoogikateadlane lausus: “Miks inimesed aga lasevad endid petta meie hiromantide poolt? Kergeusklikke meelitab kindlasti see müstiline aupaiste, millega “tõeprohvetid” püüavad endid reklameerida ajalehtede kuulutustes. Pannakse pähe turbanid, selga “kassikullaga” tikitud mantlid ja võetakse tiitliks “professor” – ning rahva petmine võib alata.

    Muidugi on seesugune “prohvet” tulnud Indiast – nii seisab kuulutusel –, kuigi “ilmatark” vaevalt teab kaardiltki näidata, kus niisugune riik võiks asuda. On tõsiselt kahju, et meil puudub paragrahv, mille järgi võiks seesuguseid vastutusele võtta.”

  3. Eelmine paavst saab õndsaks

    Rooma saabub sel puhul umbes miljon palverändurit. Kohal on ka Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves koos abikaasaga.

    Paavst Johannes Paulus II matusetalitusel 8. aprillil 2005 Vatikanis Peetri väljakul skandeerisid paljud inimesed: “Santo subito!” (“Kohe pühakuks!”).

    Pühakuks kuulutamisele eelneb õndsaks kuulutamine, milleks tuleb leida tõend imeteo kohta. Tavaliselt on selleks kellegi arstlik tervenemine, millel puudub teaduslik selgitus. Pühakuks kuulutamiseks tuleb leida veel teinegi imetegu

  4. Barack Obama: Osama bin Laden on surnud

    USA allikate andemetel on bin Ladeni surnukeha USAs, kus sellele tehakse DNA-test, edastab AFP.

    USA president Barack Obama teatas bin Ladeni surmast eile telekõnes.

    Obama sõnul leidis bin Ladeni tabamise operatsioon aset möödunud nädalal. Selles osalesid USA eriüksuse sõdurid, kes said Pakistani valitsuselt tegutsemisloa. Bin Ladeni jälile jõuti möödunud aasta augustis.

    Bin Laden leiti Islamabadis asuvast korterist.

    Obama sõnul ei ole al-Qaeda oht sellega möödas. President rõhutas, et USA ei pidanud võitlust islami või moslemist juhi, vaid kurjategija vastu ning nüüd pääses õiglus võidule.

  5. Liibüas hukkusid eile NATO õhurünnakus Muammar Gaddafi poeg Saif al-Arab ja tema kolm last.

    Liibüa valitsuse pressiesindaja Moussa Ibrahimi sõnul käis 29-aastane Saif al-Arab Gaddafi Saksamaal ülikoolis ega olnud Liibüa armee ja valitsusega seotud. Saif al-Arab oli Muammar Gaddafi kaheksast bioloogilisest lapsest kuues.

    Moussa Ibrahim nimetas NATO õhurünnakut sõjakuriteoks. Tema sõnul peaks nüüd olema selge, et NATO eesmärk pole kaitsta tsiviilisikuid.

  6. See kodanik tegeles aktiivselt ülestõusu mahasurumisega, lasi rahulikke demonstrante tulistada, elukvartaleid pommitada ja nii edasi.

    Lapsed polnud muidugi süüdi, et nende isa kaabakas oli.

  7. Kolme lapse lödikslaskmine oli siiski jahmatav pläkk. Üldiselt on just selliste asjade vältimine põhjus, miks need lennukid Liibüa kohal tiirutavad.

  8. The Local vahendab Rootsi kiriku arutelu Afganistanis teenivate välipreestrite töökohustuste teemal.

    ‘Not OK’ for pastors to operate machine guns: Swedish church

    “If a pastor is sitting behind a machine gun, then he’s misunderstood his mission. He should be there for spiritual guidance and church-related matters;

    Tähelepanu keskpunkti sattunud püha isa vabandas ennast asjaoluga, et ei oska muud teha kui ainult tina anda.

    He told the newspaper he only got behind the machine gun because he couldn’t drive the armoured vehicle or operate the radio, leaving the machine gun post as the only job left he could perform.

  9. Andres Raid: Nähtamatu sõja esimene samm – hävitada keel!

    Vaadake meie seadusandlust – seal kirjapandu on reeglina keeles, mida mõistavad suure raha eest vaid asjassepühendatud juristid. Paari nädala tagusele järelepärimisele selle jama kohta teatas kõrge ametnik ja eesti keele professor otse, et seadustest arusaamiseks eesti keele väga heast tundmiseks ei peagi piisama, sest peab teadma seadusandja hetkemeeleolu ja -tahet ja palju muudki. See, et seaduseandja on ammu teises ilmas ja küsida pole kelleltki, pole oluline. Oluline pole siis ju seegi, kuidas olla seaduskuulekas kodanik olukorras, kus eeskirjadest arugi ei käest ära.

  10. Järjekordne lapsesuu:

    Paet: kurjategija on lõpuks saanud karistuse

    Välisminister Urmas Paet hindas Osama bin Ladeni tabamist ja tapmist Ameerika Ühendriikide poolt sõnadega, et «kurjategija on lõpuks saanud karistuse».

    Kurjategija oleks saanud karistuse siis, kui oleks ta õnnestunud kohtusse toimetada ja süüdi mõista.

  11. BBC kirjutab, et Hong Kong on juurutamas miinimumpalka.

    Hong Kong has introduced a minimum wage that is expected to benefit 270,000 low-paid workers, or around 10% of the working population.

    Workers will now earn a minimum of HK$28 ($3.60; £2.18) per hour.

    Skeptikute huvi paeluvad loomulikult veidrad uskumused ja vanaldased relvad.

    Business leaders say small businesses will be forced to lay off staff.

    Critics also say the legislation is a departure from Hong Kong’s free-market roots.

    Teatavat kulmukergitust võib põhjustada ka valitsuse eelmine plaan, mis kummalisel kombel eriti ei töötanud:

    The government said it was forced to introduce the legislation after a voluntary minimum wage scheme in 2006 met with a tepid response from businesses.

  12. BBC kirjutab vanadest religioonidest uue relva pardal.

    US officials say Osama Bin Laden’s body was treated with respect and buried at sea, but some Muslims argue there was no good reason for not burying it on land.

    Religious rites were carried out on the deck of a US aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson. The body, shrouded in a white sheet and placed in a weighted bag, was then placed on a flat board, tipped up, and eased into the Arabian Sea.

    This occurred at 0600GMT, approximately 12 hours after the firefight during which Osama Bin Laden was shot in the head.

    Kuna Allah inglise keelt ei oska, tuli palvetamiseks kasutada tõlgi abi.

    “A military officer read prepared religious remarks, which were translated into Arabic by a native speaker,” a US defence official said.

    Mitmed intervjueeritud asjatundjad rääkisid kontravärsist:

    The agency also quoted Dubai’s grand mufti Mohammed al-Qubaisi, saying that sea burials were permissible only in extraordinary circumstances, adding: “This is not one of them.”

    “If the family does not want him, it’s really simple in Islam: You dig up a grave anywhere, even on a remote island, you say the prayers and that’s it,” he said.

  13. Telegraph kirjutab Osama Ladenssoni testamendist, millega ta pärandab rahvale hulka eluajal kasutamata jäänud hirmu och õudust.

    Al-Qaeda terrorists have threatened to unleash a “nuclear hellstorm” on the West if Osama Bin Laden is caught or assassinated, according to documents to be released by the WikiLeaks website, which contain details of the interrogations of more than 700 Guantanamo detainees.

    However, the shocking human cost of obtaining this intelligence is also exposed with dozens of innocent people sent to Guantanamo – and hundreds of low-level foot-soldiers being held for years and probably tortured before being assessed as of little significance.

    Allikas on otse loomulikult usaldusväärne:

    It can also today be disclosed that:
    *A senior Al-Qaeda commander claimed that the terrorist group has hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe which will be detonated if Bin-Laden is ever caught or assassinated. The US authorities uncovered numerous attempts by Al-Qaeda to obtain nuclear materials and fear that terrorists have already bought uranium. Sheikh Mohammed told interrogators that Al-Qaeda would unleash a “nuclear hellstorm”.

    Tõepoolest, oleks täiesti ennekuulmatu, kui üks terrorist vaenuliku riigi sõjaväele valetaks ja ähvardaks teda väljamõeldud mõeldamatute koledustega.

  14. Kriku ütles:

    Kurjategija oleks saanud karistuse siis, kui oleks ta õnnestunud kohtusse toimetada ja süüdi mõista.

    Mingi asjatundja, pole enam meeles kes :( väitis ükspäev terevisioonis, et Bin Ladeni elusana kinni võtmine oleks tähendanud tema pidevat eksponeerimist meedias, mis oleks maailma hulluks ajanud.

  15. Tartu rahvas, midagi huvitavat teile:

    Raadio Ööülikooli avalik salvestus kirjandusfestivalil Prima Vista:

    Mare Kõiva “Maagia ja nõidus”.

    Maagia on uskumuste ja praktika kogum, milles suhestatakse
    ennast üleloomulike jõudude, surnute vaimude või salajaste loodusjõududega. Missugune on selle kõrgemaks vormiks peetud sõnamaagia? Missugused olid eestlaste salajased tarkuse ja nõiaraamatud? Mida kasutati kaitsemaagias? Mida ja keda mõjutati/mõjutatakse maagia abil? Kas võime ütelda, et maagia on moraali modelleerimise vahend? Fiktsionaalsed maailmad ja tegelikkus.

    5. mai kell 17 TÜ Vanas Kohvikus

  16. Marylandi meditsiinipraktika amet on väljastanud korralduse, et isand Mark Geier ei tohi enam Marylandis arstina praktiseerida. Skeptikud mäletavad isand Geierit peaasjalikult autismiumbluu järgi. Geierile kuulub ka au idee, et autismi võiks ravida keemilise kastreerimise teel, väljamõtlemise ja levitamise eest.

    The Maryland State Board of Physicians (the “Board”) hereby SUMMARILY SUSPENDS the license of Mark R. Geier, M.D. (the “Respondent”) (D.O.B. 05/03/1948), licence humber D24250, to practice medicine in the State of Maryland. The Board takes such action pursuant to its authority under Md. State Govt. Code Ann. § 10-226(c)(2009 Repl. Vol.) concluding that the public health, safety or welfare imperatively requires emergency action.

    Juhtumit kommenteerivad Neurodiversity Weblog ja Respectful Insolence.

    At issue was Dr. Geier’s implementation of the Lupron Protocol, an experimental autism treatment involving the administration of high doses of a drug that suppresses reproductive hormone function, in combination with chelators intended to remedy alleged “mercury toxicity.” This highly risky, scientifically unsupported regimen, and the battery of tests administered by Dr. Geier to his young patients, is the subject of Significant Misrepresentations: Mark Geier, David Geier, and the Evolution of the Lupron Protocol, a series of investigative articles published on Neurodiversity Weblog in 2006 and 2007. That series subsequently inspired an expose published in the Chicago [] Tribune that attracted national attention.

    In the order, Mark Geiers’ numerous other offenses are listed, including his corrupt, crony-packed IRB overseeing his clinical trial, insurance fraud (billing insurance companies for services never rendered), failing to obtain informed consent, misdiagnosing children with “precocious puberty” in most egregious ways (such as diagnosing children who did not meet the age criteria for precocious puberty) and writing medical necessity letters based on this mistaken diagnosis, and misrepresenting himself as a geneticist. Basically, regarding this latter charge, Mark Geier claimed to be a geneticist, which is a “physician who evaluates a patient for genetic conditions, which may include performing a physical examination and ordering tests,” even though he is not a medical geneticist; rather, he is a genetic counselor, which is “an individual with a master’s degree who helps to educate the patient and provides an assessment of the risk of the condition recur in the family.” I know genetic counselors. I work with genetic counselors. They don’t diagnose genetic conditions; rather, they counsel patients after either a genetic diagnosis has been rendered or the patient has developed a condition (such as breast cancer at a young age) that might indicated a genetic predisposition to a disease. It turns out that Geier also misrepresented himself as a board-certified epidemiologist when he is not.

  17. Ka veel aprillikuine uudis: usklike petmisvalmidus sõltub jumalapildist (kusjuures rangem jumal teeb ausamaid usklikke).

    Study links willingness to cheat, viewpoint on God (LA Times)

    The study, titled “Mean Gods Make Good People: Different Views of God Predict Cheating Behavior” was peer reviewed and published earlier this month in the International Journal for the Psychology of Religion.

    In line with many previous studies, it found no difference between the ethical behavior of believers and nonbelievers. But those who believed in a loving, compassionate God were more likely to cheat than those who believed in an angry, punitive God.

    Kõik pole muidugi kaugeltki “selge” või “kindel”.

    Froese said Shariff and Norenzayan’s results fit with his own findings. “More wrathful images of God are related to moral absolutism, while people with benevolent, loving images of God tend to be moral relativists,” he said.

    But he cautioned that morality itself is a “loaded” term, so sociologists prefer to use “behavioral norms.” Cheating may not be viewed as bad in certain groups, he said. Even the word “God” on a survey would conjure a different image for different people.

  18. Cheating may not be viewed as bad in certain groups, he said.

    Irrelevantne mu meelest. Uurida ja mõõta tasub seda nähtust ikka, paha või mittepaha.

  19. Tänapäeva psühhomeetrika on nii nüansirikka nähtuse nagu petmine põhjalikuks mõõtmiseks liiga kohmakas. Ühiskondlike normide külge kleepumine on suurema mastaabi abstraktsioon, sellegagi saadakse ainult hädapärast hakkama.

  20. Evolution News kirjutab kreatsionistide suurest egost.

    President Obama is said to have known the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden since September but chose to wait until May to authorize action against him. Why the delay? Could it perhaps have been to provide a super-timely news hook for the rollout of Jonathan Wells’ new book, The Myth of Junk DNA? If so, an additional note of congratulation is owed to Mr. Obama.

    How do you think OBL’s body was identified? By a comparison with his sister’s DNA, evidently those non-coding regions singled out by Darwin defenders, among the pantheon of other mythological evolutionary icons, as functionless “junk.” […]

  21. Euroopa ajalugu tundvatele skeptikutele võib huvi pakkuda Soomes tegutseva komitee “Antifašistlik” ühe ninamehe Petri Krohn’i teooria Austraalia valitsuskriisist 1970ndate keskel. Teooria on esmaavaldatud mainekas veebisaidis Wikipedia.

    If Lia Looveer is important, this may be the reason.

    * The 1975 Australian “constitutional crisis” that ousted Gough Whitlam was in fact a military coup d’état. If Whitlam had not resigned, the military would have escorted him out.

    * The decision to oust Whitlam was done outside Australia, in the Western Intelligence community. The driving forces were the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations and the World Anti-Communist League.

    * The reason for the coup was Whitlam’s explicit recognition of the governments of Soviet Estonia and the Baltic Soviet republics.

    * The person who set the wheels in motion was Lia Looveer.

    The only proof I have for this, apart from my telepathic link to the leading intelligence organizations, is the fact the Whitlam called Looveer before he announced the decision – as if he had to ask her permission. Evidently the phone call did not go well. — Petri Krohn (talk) 16:18, 30 April 2011 (UTC)

    Austraalia ajalooga vähem kursis olevatele ajaloolastele olgu meeldetuletuseks mainitud, et Whitlami valitsus tegi omal ajal kummalise sammu ja teatas, et Austraalia tunnustab Eestit, Lätit ja Leedut kui de jure NSVL’i koostisosi. Üldiselt oli läänemaistes riikides kombeks tunnustada Moskva de facto võimu okupeeritud Balti territooriumite üle, kuid seda rahvusvahelise õiguse mõttes ebaseaduslikuks pidada. Whitlami tunnustus kestis umbes poolteist aastat, siis jõudis valimiste läbi parlamenti liiga täpne jõudude tasakaal, mis pikapeale Whitlami tagasi astuma sundis. Järgmine märkimisväärne peaminister võttis tagasi päris hulka Whitlami seisukohti, sealhulgas ka kõnealuse tunnustamise.

  22. Evolutsiooniuudiseid toob meieni ka Science Magazine, kes kirjutab virtuaalsete robotite sotsioloogia vallas tehtud eksperimentaalevolutsioonilisest uurimusest, mille käigus robotitel kujunes välja käitumine, millesugust antropomorfiseerimisiharad inimesed altruistlikuks või eneseohverduslikuks hüüavad.

    From Charles Darwin on, evolutionary biologists have struggled to explain self-sacrificing behavior. If evolution is all about the survival of the fittest, then why do animals from bees to people help others when it can hurt them or their chances to reproduce? Simulations of miniature robots that “evolve” helping behaviors have now provided a possible answer, confirming a 47-year-old theory that recently has come under attack: We help those who are most related to us because they are able to pass some of our genes to the next generation.

    Once the team was comfortable with the virtual evolution environment it had set up, it added a new twist: It allowed the robots to share food disks with each other. If Hamilton’s hypothesis was correct, “successful” virtual robots were likely to be those that were closely related and shared food with each other; that would help to ensure that at least one of them — and some of the genes of both—would make it to the next round. (Two robots with a modest amount of food disks would both be more likely to be cut from the simulation, but if one robot gave all of its food to a second robot, that second robot would likely make the next round.) And indeed, altruism quickly evolved in the simulation, with greater food-sharing in groups where robots were more related, the researchers report online today in PLoS Biology. The more closely related the robots, the quicker they cooperated. “It shows how general the [theory] is, whether you are an insect, a human or a robot,” says Floreano.

    “This is a very original approach,” says evolutionary biologist Jacobus Boomsma of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. “The results are remarkably clear cut, given all the messy dynamics that might have appeared … and show convincingly how tremendously robust Hamilton’s rule is.”

    Avastus heidab valgust nii grupiviisilise selektsiooni teooriale kui võimalikele mehhanismidele, kuidas evolutsioon tsölibaati või homoseksuaalsust vähemusena soosida ning paljude põlvkondade kaupa säilitada võib.

  23. IT World kirjutab Osama bin Ladeni postuumsest andmeturvaprobleemist.

    May 03, 2011, 11:24 AM — The U.S. raid that killed terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan Sunday also turned up an “intelligence harvest” of computer-based data, according to media reports.

    Exactly what was seized by U.S. authorities in the raid has yet to be confirmed — and may never be confirmed — but a number of news outlets reported that computer hard drives, CDs, DVDs and USB sticks were taken from the compound where bin Laden had been living. The compound reportedly had no telephone or Internet connection.

    It also was being reported that the data is being sifted through at a secret site in Afghanistan. “Hundreds of people are going through it now. It’s going to be great even if only 10 percent of it is actionable,” an unnamed official was quoted by Politico, a Washington, D.C.-based news website. “They cleaned it out. Can you imagine what’s on Osama bin Laden’s hard drive?”

    The site quoted an anonymous government source describing the data as “the motherlode of intelligence.”

    The “intelligence harvest” could prove “as important if not more important than the actual killing of Bin Laden,” Council on Foreign Relations President and former State Department official Richard Haass was quoted telling The Star, a Canadian news site.

    Arvata on, et Osama sama viga teist korda ei tee. Kui ta peaks teises elus oma 72 neitsi üle õnnetu olema, küllap ta siis terrorikampaania plaanimisel arvutitest kaugele hoiab.

  24. Los Angeles Times kirjutab, et Interneti-ajastul on uudiste hinnatud omaduseks see, et igaüks võib valida endale meelepärase.

    President Obama’s decision this week to present a documentary rebuttal to stubborn suspicions that he was not born in the United States — and, therefore, is not a legitimate chief executive — is a sobering reminder that, for a significant number of Americans, their relationship with politics and media has entered an era of eerie uncertainty.

    One of the striking things about the reaction to the president’s calm and — to reasonable minds — entirely persuasive appearance in the White House briefing room Wednesday was the rapidity and ease with which so many leading birthers rejected the evidence he presented.

    America has experienced periods of bitter partisan division in the past, but in the current era it often isn’t the interpretation of our national life that’s in dispute but the actual facts of our common existence. That’s as significant a rejection of the serious news media as it is of opposing political figures.

    “There are no more arbiters of truth,” former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told the Politico website. “So whatever you can prove factually, somebody else can find something else and point to it with enough ferocity to get people to believe it. We’ve crossed some Rubicon into the unknown.”

  25. Pratchetti fännidele tuttavast hirmust, et sõnade maagia võib trükipressi külge kinni jääda, kirjutab Campus Progress.

    Three printing companies have refused to publish the spring edition of Fusion, a Campus Progress-sponsored LGBT magazine at Kent State University, citing concerns over its images and language.

    The controversy has cost Fusion, Campus Progress’ 2010 awardee for Best Overall Publication, more than $2,000, its editor says, as well as substantial effort as students try to release the issue before the school year ends next week.

    One company after another turned Fusion down before a fourth printer agreed to take the issue to press.

    “We actually asked them to adjust the content of Fusion based on the f-word and on what we’re calling some graphic material, which involved some pictures of genitalia, and we’re just not comfortable producing that type of content,” says David Pilcher, vice president of sales and marketing at Freeport Press, the first company that refused to print the issue without editorial changes. “It’s not that we are trying to perform any censorship here.”

    Maagillist mõtlemist ratsionaliseeriti huvitavatel viisidel, näiteks kombinatsiooniga trükikoja omaniku võimalikust ebapädevusest laste kasvatamise alal ja kindlast tahtmisest seda siiski teha.

    Bailey spoke with Freeport after the underwear spread’s release. He says the publishing company expressed concerns that were tinged with homophobia.

    “You’d start to hear stuff like, ‘What if the owners’ kids are walking through the press room?’” Bailey says. “You heard the stereotypes and the very flimsy arguments that were just not very well-constructed.”

    Teisal jälle kaitsti maagilistest sõnadest emaneeruvate torsioonväljade eest töötajaid.

    He says that policy was moot, however, since his company was unable to produce the magazine by Fusion’s deadline. If he could find employees in his company who were not offended by the magazine, he says, he could have them publish it late next week.

    “We have to go through that step as a service and protection to our employees,” he says.

  26. Uudisteagentuur Comedy Central toob teateid Tennessee geniaalsetelt senaatoritelt, kes plaanivad seadusega uue tabu kehtestada.

    America’s children have a new hero. Tennessee State Senator Stacey Campfield (R-Knoxville) is pushing an adorable little measure by the name of SB49. Fans/foes have dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill.

    Well, that sounds just lovely, doesn’t it? And it is

    As introduced, the bill would have put into law a declaration that it is illegal to discuss any sexual behavior other than heterosexuality prior to the ninth grade.

    Yes, if there’s anything that will improve Tennessee’s mediocre-by-American-standards, abysmal-by-First-World-standards public education system, surely it will be this.

    Sarkastilist kommentaari saab lugeda huumoriväljaandest Washington Post.

    There is, in Tennessee, a bill prohibiting educators from talking about homosexuality in elementary and middle schools. It just passed the Senate by a vote of 6 to 3. It’s called the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill by its opponents, who think it goes too far.

    I oppose it, too: I don’t think it goes far enough. The bill says it’s perfectly fine for educators to talk about heterosexuality from kindergarten through eighth grade.

    How filthy!

  27. BBC teatab, et Westminsteris on progressi teinud seaduseelnõu, mis nõuaks koolides suguelu kontekstis ka absint-entsist rääkimist.

    Unveiling her ten minute rule bill on 4 May 2011, Ms Dorries called for schools to give girls aged 13 to 16 extra sex education, including the benefits of abstinence.

    “This is about giving empowerment to young girls,” she explained.

    Ms Dorries went on: “The answer to ending our constant struggle with the incredibly high rate of teenage sexual activity and underage pregnancies lies in teaching our girls and boys about the option of abstinence, the ability to ‘just say no’ as part of their compulsory sex education.”

  28. Kevadiste viljakusrituaalide hooaeg on seksuaalkasvatuse-seaduste alal viljakas olnud. Nagu kirjutab Dallas Morning News, on Texases keegi Wayne Ristiinimene välja pannud seaduseelnõu, mille järgi ülikoolid on kohustatud “perekonna ja traditsiooniliste väärtuste keskuseid” rahastama.

    The Texas House approved a budget provision late Friday requiring state colleges and universities, if they use state funds to support “a gender and sexuality center,” to spend an equal amount on a center promoting “family and traditional values.”

    While many members in the chamber cracked jokes and guffawed, the amendment’s author, Rep. Wayne Christian, said the University of Texas, Texas A&M and “some other schools” have centers promoting “alternative sexual practices.”

    “I’m not treading on their rights to that, to teach alternative sexual behavior,” said Christian, R-Center (right). But he said they must match it, dollar for dollar, with advocating heterosexual, “traditional values.”

    Ei tea, missugune salakaval varjatud tagamõte tal küll olla võiks? Advocate siiski teab:

    The group that worked with the bill’s sponsor, Wayne Christian, is the Young Conservatives of Texas. The group’s senior vice chairman, Tony McDonald, admits he hopes, if the bill passes, all public universities in Texas will defund LGBT centers rather than provide equal money for conservative centers — McDonald believed legislation to cut funding from gay centers was less likely to pass, so his group advocated for the “traditional values” centers.

  29. vahendab uusi avastusi Einsteini gravitatsiooniteooria vallas.

    A NASA probe orbiting Earth has confirmed two key predictions of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which describes how gravity causes masses to warp space-time around them.

    The Gravity Probe B (GP-B) mission was launched in 2004 to study two aspects of Einstein’s theory about gravity: the geodetic effect, or the warping of space and time around a gravitational body, and frame-dragging, which describes the amount of space and time a spinning objects pulls with it as it rotates.

    “Imagine the Earth as if it were immersed in honey,” Francis Everitt, GP-B principal investigator at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif., said in a statement. “As the planet rotates, the honey around it would swirl, and it’s the same with space and time. GP-B confirmed two of the most profound predictions of Einstein’s universe, having far-reaching implications across astrophysics research.” [6 Weird Facts About Gravity]

  30. Yahoo räägib USA senaatorist, kes propageerib Kuu pealt heelium-3 kaevandamist.

    The idea is to mine a substance that is almost nonexistent on the Earth, but extant on the moon called helium 3 (3HE), an isotope of the well known substance usually put in party balloons. Helium 3 has been deposited in lunar soil over billions of years by solar wind and exists in trace amounts waiting to be extracted. 100 kilograms of helium 3 could be obtained from processing a 2 kilometer square area of lunar soil down to the depth of three meters. That amount would run a 1,000 megawatt fusion reactor for a year.

    Schmitt says helium 3 is an ideal fuel for future fusion reactors because it leaves little or no radioactive residue, which obviates the need to decontaminate the reactor periodically. The downside is that a helium 3 fusion reaction has to take place at hotter temperatures than other fusion reactions using, for example, deuterium.

    Schmitt proposes that $5 billion be spent to build a test reactor that would burn helium 3 to create power. In the meantime a return to the moon would have as its main focus the extraction and shipping back to Earth helium 3 to fuel the reactor.

    Schmitt on ilmselgelt biased, kuna erinevalt paljudest teistest senaatoritest on ta Kuu peal ise ära käinud. Küllap annetas mõni kuumarslasest maavarade-magnaat tema valimiskampaania hüvanguks.

  31. Discovery News kirjutab hüpoteesist, et eriti mustad augud võivad suure paugu üle elada.

    Primordial black holes have yet to be detected, but in a new paper by Bernard Carr of Queen Mary University of London and Alan Coley from Dalhousie University in Canada, the theory of primordial black holes has been stretched even further. Could there be another type of black hole in our modern universe that was created before the Big Bang?

    This new theory is born from the idea that we live in a post-Big Bang universe that was born from another universe that underwent a “Big Crunch.” After collapsing through gravitational contraction, all matter in this “pre-Big Bang universe” contracted to a point, bouncing, thus spawning the Big Bang.

    But here’s the rub, if everything from the previous universe collapsed to a point and then exploded as the Big Bang, wouldn’t all information be destroyed? Surely all matter would have been blended together as pure energy and spat back out, producing a universe that bears no resemblance to its progenitor?

    Perhaps not, say Carr and Coley; perhaps black holes spawned by the impossibly compact conditions of that dying universe survived the Big Bang and are dispersed throughout the current universe. What’s more, the pair of researchers have put size limits on the mass of black holes that might survive the Big Crunch/Big Bang party.

    Space observatories such as the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope might detect the death of these black holes. As they evaporate and, on reaching a minimum mass, they are theorized to fizz away, producing a tell-tail gamma ray signal.

    Inexplicable gamma-ray bursts are spotted occasionally, but we’re a long way from believing they may have a dying black hole source. Also, as the researchers point out, the signals produced by dying pre-Big Bang black holes (if they can indeed be detected) would look identical to the primordial black holes formed after the Big Bang.

  32. Derek K. Miller kirjutab, et ta on ära surnud.

    Here it is. I’m dead, and this is my last post to my blog.

    If you knew me at all in real life, you probably heard the news already from another source, but however you found out, consider this a confirmation: I was born on June 30, 1969 in Vancouver, Canada, and I died in Burnaby on May 3, 2011, age 41, of complications from stage 4 metastatic colorectal cancer. We all knew this was coming.

    I haven’t gone to a better place, or a worse one. I haven’t gone anyplace, because Derek doesn’t exist anymore. As soon as my body stopped functioning, and the neurons in my brain ceased firing, I made a remarkable transformation: from a living organism to a corpse, like a flower or a mouse that didn’t make it through a particularly frosty night. The evidence is clear that once I died, it was over.

    Sündmuse surmmuse puhul on tuntud ateistile mälestusartikli kokku pannud Vancouver Sun.

  33. dig ütles:

    Schmitt on ilmselgelt biased, kuna erinevalt paljudest teistest senaatoritest on ta Kuu peal ise ära käinud.

    Teemasse on ka xkcd #893 65 Years:

    The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there’s no good reason to go into space–each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision.

  34. Guineas sai nõiajahi käigus surma vähemalt 25 inimestViimase kahe kuu kestel aset leidnud noorukite salapäraste surmade jälile jõuda soovinud kpeled kutsusid naaberriigist Libeeriast appi nõidarsti, kes süüdistas 80-aastast malinket ohvrite kaetamises. Malinked lasid nõidarstil kiirelt kõri läbi lõigata, mis omakorda vallandas veresauna.

    Politsei vahistas teiste seas ka piirkondliku maaelu arendamise ameti direktori Etienne Covana Molmou, kes tõi Libeeria nõidarsti Guineasse.

  35. Yahoo / Associated Press annab teada, et Cthulhu kultistide jõupingutusi vana ning magava kurjuse maailma tagasi kutsumiseks on saatmas edu:

    ATLANTA – The United States seems to be on track to have more measles cases than any year in more than a decade, with virtually all cases linked to other countries, including Europe where there’s a big outbreak.

    Already there have been 89 cases reported so far. The U.S. normally sees only about 50 cases of measles in a year thanks to vaccinations.

    Europe, especially France, has been hit hard by measles, with more than 6,500 cases reported in 33 nations. International health officials are blaming it on the failure to vaccinate all children.

    Kommenteerib Orac:

    For the most part, U.S. measles vaccination rates remain reassuringly high. However, even though overall vaccination rates remain high, there appear to be increasing numbers of pockets of vaccine resistance where the percentage of vaccine uptake has fallen below that necessary for herd immunity, particularly in affluent coastal cities.

    Interneti süüd asja juures analüüsib Eurosurveillance.

    This paper provides a psychological perspective on the possible effect of the Internet on the decision against vaccination. The reported importance of the Internet in health decisions is still low, but rising; especially the amount of interactive use of the Internet is increasing, e.g. due to the use of social media. It is argued that the fact that individuals do not report the Internet to be an important source of information does not necessarily mean that the information obtained in their Internet searches is not influential in their decisions. Evidence is summarised here regarding the (anti-)vaccination information on the Internet, and its influence on risk perceptions and on vaccination intentions and behaviour in relation to the encoded information. The conclusion suggests that scholars should strive to explain the underlying processes and potential mediators of vaccination decisions to increase the effectiveness of health communication. In reference to a definition of evidence-based medicine, a great future challenge lies in evidence-based public health communication based on interdisciplinary research involving public health, medical research, communication science and psychology.

  36. Toivo Tänavsuu kirjutab Ekspressis toitumis- (aga mitte ainult) -äärmuslastest: Rikas pere närib muru ja soovitab teilegi.

    Sille Poola väidab, et eestlased söövad end lihast, piimast ja suhkrust haigeks ning neelavad siis kergekäeliselt hunnikute viisi ravimeid. Selle asemel tuleks tarbida ainult värsket töötlemata kraami. /…/

    Söökidest veelgi erilisemad on Poolade lapsed. Noorima poja sünnitas Sille kodus , üksinda! Kaks nooremat last pole kunagi elus liha söönud, isegi mitte kana ja kala. Selmet pead murda, kuidas küll liha maitsta võiks, lähevad nad koduaeda ja pistavad otse peenralt suhu naati, metsviinapuud või isegi võililli! Võilille juur on väga maitsev, ausalt. Vitamiinid ja mineraalid lausa krõbisevad hamba all.

    Lapsed ei käi koolis ega lasteaias /…/ Sille Poola arvates pole ühiskonnas eluvõõramat kohta kui kool.

  37. Mart K. ütles:

    Sille Poola väidab, et eestlased söövad end lihast, piimast ja suhkrust haigeks ning neelavad siis kergekäeliselt hunnikute viisi ravimeid.

    Miks nendele väidetele kasuaalses kontekstis nagu ajalehe veebifoorum natuke tülikas vastu vaielda on? Sellepärast, et eestlased söövad tõepoolest natuke liha, natuke piima ja natuke suhkrut (kuigi enamasti ei jää nad sellepärast haigeks) ning mõned neist võtavad natuke ravimeid ka (kuigi neist ravimitest sahtlinurka moodustuvat virna tavaliselt hunnikuks ei hüüta). See tähendab, et Poola aetava jama aluste erinevused reaalsusest on eeskätt kvantitatiivsed, kvalitatiivsed erinevused tulevad sisse alles siis, kui järelduste tegemiseks läheb. Aga inimeste seas kasutatavad keeled on paraku evolutsioonilis-ajaloolistel põhjustel niisugused, et kvantitatiivsete erinevuste selgitamiseks (aiamajas ei ole sada lõvi, on ainult kaks. Sada ei mahukski sinna ära) läheb hulka rohkem sõnu ja mõttetegevust tarvis kui kvalitatiivse jama vastu vaidlemiseks (aiamajas ei ole sinivaala). Ja kogemuspõhine teadmine, et hüsteerilisele hüperboolile kalduvad inimesed võivad põhjalikusse kirjatükisse investeeritud veerandtunni väärtust kergekäeliselt pisendada stiilis jälle kirjutatakse siia mingisuguseid entsüklopeediaid, mina küll seda lugema ei hakka, ei motiveeri ka.

  38. Daryl Bemi (kuri)kuulsa tulevikunägemise-uuringu ümber on kerkimas “kontravärss” — Bemi töö avaldanud ajakiri ei taha vastu võtta töid, milles tema katseid korrata üritanud teadlasi pole saatnud edu (ega ka neid, mida on saatnud). “Me ei taha saada Bemi Katsete Kordamise Ajakirjaks,” rõhutas Journal of Personality and Social Psychology toimetaja Eliot Smith.

    Pikemalt kirjutab New Scientist.

    …confirmation of Bem’s findings would turn established ideas about time, cause and effect on their head. “We openly admit that the reported findings conflict with our own beliefs about causality and that we find them extremely puzzling,” the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology’s editors said in an accompanying comment.

    Other researchers began to try to repeat the results as soon as news of Bem’s findings began to spread. Wiseman set up a registry of such attempts, which has so far documented five.

    Three of these were described in a paper from Wiseman, Christopher French of Goldsmiths, University of London, and Stuart Ritchie of the University of Edinburgh, UK, which was sent to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

    Each tried to repeat an experiment of Bem’s which was based on a well-tested experiment for memory priming. /…/

    In contrast to Bem’s results, Wiseman, French and Ritchie failed to find that the subsequent typing facilitated the volunteers’ earlier recall. But Eliot Smith of Indiana University in Bloomington, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology editor who handled the submitted paper, declined to send it out to review. “This journal does not publish replication studies, whether successful or unsuccessful,” he wrote.

    Smith defends the decision, noting that he made the same ruling on another paper that, by contrast, supported Bem’s findings. “We don’t want to be the Journal of Bem Replication,” he says, pointing out that other high-profile journals have similar policies of publishing only the best original research.

  39. @dig:
    Miks peaks ühe inimese ilmavaatele ilmtingimata vastu vaidlema? Ümber sa teda sellega ei veena. Targemaks teda sellega ei tee. Mis on sellise vaidlemise mõte?

  40. Kulla Liina, “eestlased söövad end lihast, piimast ja suhkrust haigeks ning neelavad siis kergekäeliselt hunnikute viisi ravimeid” ei ole mingi mätta otsast maailmavaateline väide.

  41. Miks peaks ühe inimese ilmavaatele ilmtingimata vastu vaidlema?

    Kui inimene selle oma “ilmavaatega” omaette kodus tegeleks ja selle oma teada jätaks, ega siis polekski lugu. Ekspressi artikkel kvalifitseerub aga missionäärluseks, ehk oma kummalise “tõe” kuulutamiseks. Antud hetkel on tegemist lisaks “toitumisterapeudiga”, kes selle kummastava “ilmavaate” alusel näiteks Vikerkaaresilla kaudu kuulutades kursusi korraldab ja seega on tegemist isegi reklaamiga oma ülimalt ebateadusliku “ilmavaate” propageerimiseks ja klientuuri suurendamiseks. Miks ei võiks sellele vastu vaielda?

  42. Liina ütles:

    Aga ikkagi, milline on vaidlemiset tulenev kasu?

    See retooriline küsimus on refleksiivne. Sellele ei ole mingit mõtet vastu vaielda.

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